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How To Encourage Employees To Stay Healthy

They say that if you don't have your health, you don't have anything. That is because health affects every aspect of one's life, from work to leisure. The wellness of a person contributes to how much effort they put into their career and how much they care about it. So emphasize the importance of good health habits to all company employees for a more productive company as a whole.
Medical Plans

Make sure that each employee knows how to use his or her plan and has a medical card. Dental plans are sometimes overlooked, so include this in a briefing to the company. A simple mass email or a training session can really help keep people informed. Some even choose to have HR or management speak directly to all employees about their plan. This way each person feels important and taken care of, which boosts morale, and thus productivity. A happy work environment creates a good workflow. It also helps with the image of the company when employees speak well of their job.
Germ-free Zone
Make the workplace a zone where germ spread is minimal. Take the initiative to have stations with hand sanitizer, nose wipes, and trashcans. Placing sanitizer next to mucus-catching nose tissue can alleviate the spread of illness.
It is also important to encourage hand washing. Have signs posted in bathrooms encouraging all employees to do so. This can keep bacteria in the sewer system rather than in the office. Shaking hands is more pleasant when you know coworkers are keeping clean. Quick reminders like signs help busy people remember to practice good hygiene.
Any bowls of candy or donuts served at meetings need to be individually packaged. This cuts down on others touching your food. It also leads to more people taking the food, resulting in good morale. Keeping the soldiers fed is a top priority in wartime for this reason. It may also be a priority at the office. Everyday reinforcement can boost energy levels; but if the reinforcement is covered in germs, it can have the opposite effect.
Spread The Word
Many employees in America suffer through work when they are sick for several reasons.
1. They do not have someone to cover for them
2. They have a deadline to meet or an important project to work on
3. They can't afford to miss out on pay
4. They feel an obligation to be at work
5. They don't want to use up vacation days being sick
These are all legitimate reasons to come to work ill. But illness spreads in closed office environments like wildfire. It is simply not fair or economical to get others sick for any of these reasons. So alleviate anything standing between a sick worker and their bed.
1. Set up a support network for filling positions when someone is sick. This may be an email or phone list. The ill person may access it directly, but HR should take care of such problems. Someone who is sick should be able to call HR directly so that they are covered without problems.

2. A system should also be set up for covering others' projects and deadlines when necessary. When someone breaks a bone and cannot come in to the office, someone has to cover for them. It should be the same way for someone who has contracted a virus.

3. Paid sick days should be provided in each job. Let employees know about this.

4. Encourage staying at home. No one should feel guilty for trying to achieve health when sick. They can return to the office sooner when they have time to rest.

5. Paid sick days remove any problem with vacation days.
Keep your coworkers and friends happy with these steps to wellness. Everyone benefits from a good health plan, including you.

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