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How to quit smoking

Quitting smoking is no simple task. The cravings and addiction to nicotine are intense and it takes an individual with a strong will to overcome them and give-up smoking for good. If you want to quit smoking, here are some suggestions that you may find useful:

First, think of who you are harming. Smoking doesn't just cause lung problems for you, it hurts your family members, friends, and co-workers. Second-hand smoke is just as dangerous as smoking the cigarette. Second-hand smoke causes over 10,000 deaths each year. If you truly care about the people around you, you need to stop smoking to save their lives.

Second, ask yourself if you have a smoking problem. Most people do not realize they are addicted to smoking. They tell themselves that they only have a few cigarettes a day. People that are addicted to smoking will have at least 7 cigarettes a day. They will need to smoke within 30 minutes of waking up for the day and they find it impossible to start the day without a cigarette. Add up how much money you are paying in cigarettes each month. Is it really worth it? Not only are you paying hundreds of dollars a month for cigarettes, your health insurance costs are higher. Employers that have employees that smoke have higher health care costs and they will charge their employees for it.

Third, pick the day you want to stop smoking. It is impossible to quit cold turkey, unless you want to start up again in a few weeks or months. The best way to stop smoking is to start out small. Don't buy your regular brand of cigarettes, purchase a brand that you really don't like. Only buy one pack of cigarettes at a time. Now, each time you get the craving for a cigarette, set a timer for 30 minutes. Chew some gum and drink some water during this time while you are waiting. After 30 minutes, go ahead and smoke. The next time you get a craving, add an extra 10 minutes to the clock. If you can start to distance the time between cravings, it will be much easier to stop smoking.

Fourth, once you have limited your cravings, stick to the date you set to stop smoking. On that day, flush or throw away all of your cigarettes. Change the way you wake-up. Instead of reaching for the ashtray and cigarette, grab a fresh piece of fruit. Make yourself an omelet. Do something to keep yourself busy in the morning so you don't think about the cigarette. Pop some gum in your mouth each time you get a craving and start focusing on other things.

Fifth, once you make it through the first day without smoking, reward yourself. Go out to a nice dinner at a non-smoking restaurant or go out to a movie. Reward yourself again once you make it through a week, then 2 weeks, then a month. Pretty soon, you will be smoke-free for 6 months and then for a year.

Sixth, the feelings of needing a cigarette may never pass. Some people get addicted to cigarettes because they are a comfort item. They use them when they become stressed or to cope with other situations. You just need to find something else to satisfy that feeling. This could mean you chew 10 packs of gum a day. Try to make time to exercise often. Exercising will get your mind off the cravings and need for a cigarette.

Seventh, maintain a positive attitude. Quitting smoking is not going to be easy. If you have a few friends that are willing to help you, it will help you maintain a positive attitude. Think about all the health benefits you are going to have from quitting smoking. Think about the people around you that you love that will have healthier air because you quit smoking. Do anything you can to focus on the positive aspects of quitting smoking.

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