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Simple workplace changes that make a big impact on employee health

mansmessyoffice32015334.jpgAs an employer, you know that you walk a fine line when it comes to encouraging your employees to live healthier lives.There are issues of discrimination against those who are less healthy that you will want to completely avoid while at the same time empowering your employees to make healthy life changes.There are many proven ways to make an impact on employee health.Here are just a few simple workplace changes that anyone can make that can help you to see a big impact on the health of the people who work for you.

Organize competition

Competition is a driving force in just about all aspects of our lives but competition can be especially useful when it comes to improving health amongst co-workers.Research shows that individuals are much more likely to accomplish a goal if it is an organized competition.Winning a competition, even if there is no monetary reward, can be plenty motivation to encourage your employees.Do something simple like organize a sports team.You can work with the city to determine which sports would be easy to facilitate.Coordinate with competing businesses or simply create multiple teams within your own organization.Play-up game days, make a fuss about attending, and create excitement.Not only will employees be more willing to get out and be active, but they just might have a good time as well!

Facilitate healthy eating

Look at the food that your workplace makes available to your employees and make sure that you are facilitating healthy eating.You certainly have a say in how many candy dishes there are on receptionist desks or what foods and drinks you allow to be carried in vending machines.If you make it so that obtaining unhealthy foods is inconvenient, people will naturally default to the healthy alternatives that you do provide.Convenience foods are often to blame for lapses in good nutritional judgment.Be the one to make the changes.

Re-evaluate health insurance

More and more businesses are choosing towards HSA health plans rather than the traditional 80-20 coverage plans because it encourages employees to take more responsibility for their health.With an HAS plan, the employer still contributes, but instead of that money going into the health care's premium payment, the money goes into an HAS account that the employee has the power to spend as he or she finds necessary.Of course there are other advantages and disadvantages to HSA systems, but the idea is that putting a dollar amount on being more health conscious can really help people to see that an unhealthy lifestyle can be expensive. Making employees aware of the cost savings that are available when employee health can be improved is also a helpful motivator.Many insurance companies offer discounted policies to businesses that have programs in place that facilitate better employee health.

Rewards system

We are never too old for rewards.Although we may not want to admit it, we like being recognized for a job well done.We also like to receive some sort of prize or reward.Incentives are powerful tools of motivation.From a business owner's standpoint, offering a reward can be an economical way to motivate.By purchasing one large prize or offering one significant dollar amount to the winner of a fitness challenge you can motivate an entire team.Every organization is different, so it is important to be thoughtful about the types of rewards that you offer.Certain rewards may or may not motivate your particular group, so choosing how to organize your rewards system is just as important as the reward itself.

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