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How to create a successful, effective email short

As more and more businesses conduct a great deal of their business online, email marketing is quickly becoming an effective marketing tool.

If you plan on creating email shorts, the following tips will help you to crea

help you to create marketing emails that are both successful and effective.

- Don't be sneaky. Buying lists of email addresses puts you in dangerous ground. Instead, get email addresses from customers who have provided the information to you. If you do end up going with an email list broker, always make sure you include an "unsubscribe" option and make sure you unsubscribe all of those who request it.
- Keep your emails out of the junk box. Spam email that winds up in the junk box often has subject lines that includes vague promises or just sounds fishy. Make sure your from line is actually your name or your company's name, and always address the email to an actual recipient instead of sending out large amounts of bulk mail.
- Keep your emails user friendly. This means allowing your customers to reply by hitting "reply" instead of directing them to another site or email address. It should also be easy for users to unsubscribe, and contact information should be easily accessible.
- Make a good subject line. Your subject line is probably the most important part of your email. It alone determines if your reader will send the email directly to the trash or open it up and read it. The subject line should either call the reader to action or propose something of value. Don't use a one-size-fits-all subject line, either - your subject line should be customized to your readers' needs and interests specifically.
- Work on your copy. There are a number of things you should do to keep your email from going straight to the junk box. One of the most important things is to have compelling, well-written copy. First of all, the email should be short enough so the reader does not lose interest and long enough that all the necessary information is provided. Always proofread, and have others look over it as well before you send it - poorly worded and badly designed email shorts will not be taken seriously.
- Include your privacy policy. In this day and age, people take their privacy, especially online, very seriously. You may get a better response rate if you are sure to include your privacy policy, which may include just a link to your privacy page or it may actually list it out. You policy should include your stance on collecting and selling your information, including what you will and will not do.
- Consider using graphics. If your email short does not use graphics, you consider adding them to the body of your email. Graphics can often enhance the message you wish to convey.
- Test your email. It's very important that you make sure your email shorts will actually work before sending them out. Set up a control group to send out your test emails, and test all aspects of the short, including the subject line, the body, and the "from" fields.

An email short can be an effective means for marketing your products and services. In order to make your email short successful, be sure to carefully write out your body and subject language and tailor your message to the individual needs of your recipients.

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