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How to prepare for a trade show

There are many things to take into consideration when preparing for a trade show. First you need to decide how much money you want to spend on a trade show. After you have decided on an amount you need to find out what trade shows are available in your price range. Then you start preparing for the trade show.

After you have figured out what trade show to attend you need to request an application. Once your application has been accepted you need to start making traveling arrangement as far as where you are going to stay and what you are going to do for food.

Preparing for a trade show might take many months. You might want to figure out what products you will be taking with you and how much time each one will take to make. It might be helpful to start with the products that will take longer to make so you make sure to have enough time to get them done.

Another step to preparing for a trade show is laying out your booth. When you receive your acceptance it should come with a map and where you booth will be. This will help you know how much space you have available.

After you know how your booth is going to be laid out figure out how much you want to price all of your products for. It might be helpful for the more expensive things to be put in the front so people have to walk past them to get to the smaller things. You will want to check with other promoters about prices to make sure that your pricing isn't too high or too low. It might also be a good idea to knock prices down and advertise them for a little less so people think that they are getting a good deal. Maybe have the retail price crossed out with the sale price below it. This will make them want to buy now rather than if they know that the price on the product is always this price and they can get it at anytime.

Make sure when planning for a trade show to have something for people to take home with them even if they do not buy from you. Give them something that will make them remember your name: maybe a business card, or a flyer or something that has your name and maybe even your website on it. This way if they decide to order in the future they can go on your website or call you up.

Another thing to remember when planning for a trade show is to always have enough pens lying around so people have something to write with. Also have a guest book that people can sign and put their mailing or e-mail address on so you can send out advertisements or promotional materials...

An important thing to consider when preparing for a trade show is payment methods. How will your customers be paying? A debit/credit terminal might be something to look into if you think that might be how the majority of people will be paying. Consult your merchant about that and see what they have to offer, and what rates they charge. You might also want to take along a calculator if you are not taking a computer with you so you can make sure to get the right amount of money and include tax if necessary.

All of these things will help you when preparing for a trade show. A lot of preparing for a trade show is organization. Organizing everything will help you keep everything together and make it so you are not so overwhelmed. .

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