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Making a sell by properly handling objections

Making a sell by properly handing objections, everything you need to know. The first thing that and the most important thing to remember, is that knowing how to handle objections, will get you the sell.

You may ask how that is the case. People walk away from good salespeople all the time. This is true. The question is then, will they return? People shop for items for one of three reasons.

  1. They need it - this is an item that they will buy that day or very soon and they will buy it someplace. If you present the product well, they will buy it because they need it.
  2. They want it - this is something they want. If they want it enough, they will buy it that day or soon, and it is up to you to show them why it is justified for them to buy it.
  3. Someone else has it - this is just a purchase to keep up with the Jones's. They will likely make the purchase that day, or soon. The main thing is that you need to make them feel that it will make them feel better if they have it.

A big part of properly handing objections is listening to what the customer is there for. Do they need the product or service, do they want the product or service, or does their best friend have it, so they are going to get it.

After you have found out why the customer is going to purchase that product, you will need to build a rapport with the customer. The customer will give you exactly 10 seconds to do this if you are lucky. So what is the best way to get that rapport build so that you can handle the objections?

Introduce yourself, and ask their name. This is a good way to gain the trust of the customer. It is harder to turn down someone you know, even if it is only for a few seconds.

Next it is important to understand that if you are not going to get the sell this very minute, you need to set up the sale for in the future. The way this happens is simply by using great customer service instead of a forceful sales attitude.

If you consider the different personalities of your customers you will find that there are three different kinds of shoppers.

  1. The free shopper - This person will shop for something because they want to. They tend to usually buy it. They like to get something free with the purchase that they get.
  2. The good deal shopper - This shopper will usually buy, but feel better about it when they get a good deal. This can be a small good deal, but they like to say "I got a good deal on this"
  3. The thinker - This person wants to think about their purchases. This is the harder sale, however if you can show the value and logic in the purchase you will get the sale. If you do not get the sale that day, if you present the purchase correctly, you will get the deal later.

In the time that you build rapport, you will need to find out what type of shopper you are dealing with. This way you know how to handle the objections correctly.

For a free shopper; it is a good idea to show them the product with all its special items, and what can go with it. Use enthusiasm, and be sure to let the customer know how great it is that they are making the purchase. If you do not get this sell, it is because you are not being enthusiastic about what you are selling. This customer likes to get attention during their shopping experience. For example: mention how great that sweater looks on that customer.

With the good deal shopper, it is important to show why the product they are buying is going to be a good deal. If you get objections with this sale, you need to explain prices and product value. For example if the customer says, "I found a radio at GNR for $100 and it is green." Green is probably a color they are fond of or they would not have brought it up. So you need to handle that objection with something about your radio that is more valuable than the color green. The radio you have has a higher level of transmission, and also includes a CD and MP3 player.

With the thinker you will need to present logical information of why this product will be what this customer is looking for. If you get objections, which you probably will, it is important to remain professional, and answer the questions and concerns with professionalism. For example, if the customer objects because they are not sure that it is the time to make the purchase, you can have a statement like "What would they consider a good time to make this type of purchase. Not being pushy, but keeping the customer thinking is the key. If this customer walks away, you will have wanted to give them everything they need to think about so that they will be able to come back and buy that product with a clear conscious.

Using these key tips will make it not only easy to get the sale, but harder for the customer to object to your product. What ever happens at the end of the sale; be sure to thank the customer for taking time to talk with you, and use their name. This will help them feel like they made a friend.

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