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Market your product with no money

Whew, what a subject. How to market your product even though you're broke, busted, bankrupt. Funny thing is, it's possible. You just might pull it off. There are all sorts of sneaky but legal little ways to spread the good news about your ingenious, life-changing product without having to hand over handful after handful of cash. Let's consider a few ways in which you can market your product with no money.
1. Alright, there are some pretty obvious ones that we'll take care of right from the start, so that they're not looming over us gaudily the whole time. One way to market your product with no money is to make hand-written signs and pin them to things. If your product appeals to universities, go to the universities in your area and pin up those homemade signs. Presto, you're marketing your product for next to nothing, and perhaps word of mouth will assist you in getting a little something to move on to more sophisticated pastures. This year you're slouching around pinning 3X5 cards on dormitory walls and next year won the internet poll of a major beer company for best commercial broadcast during the Super Bowl. It's all right to dream.

2. Speaking of which, greatness has sprung from nothing many a time, and we all enjoy hearing those stories, so why not add yours to the list for the edification of other people painstakingly filling out 3X5 cards?
3. Here we must mention how hard it is to market your product with no money (in one sense). That is, it takes legwork, energy, ambition, a good attitude, a positive outlook, a firm handshake and a winning smile. All the little things that sound so cheesy when you read them, speak them, or write them but work so effectively when you actually put them into practice.
4. Keeping that in mind, don't be afraid to contact the smaller local TV stations in your area and the smaller local radio stations in your area and the smaller local newspapers in your area and on and on down the line, to ask ifyou can advertise something for free. We've all heard that it never hurts to ask, but that's a lie, because it often does hurt to ask and be rudely rejected and feel crippled in hour hearts whenever we think about it for the rest of our lives. So, we should change the cliché to "It sometimes hurts very badly to ask," and then starting asking boldly rather than naively and see what happens. Your might be surprised at what happens.
5. Driving around with homemade posters advertising your product may sound embarrassing, but it's a tried and true method of marketing cheap. First of all, people notice when a guy or gal's got a notice in their window, a big sign saying "Come and see." There's just something about it, you have to look over there and see what this person's got on their window. Chances are that some of those lookers will turn out to be callers and buyers as well.
6. Look for ways to market for free on the internet, such as opening your own blog, for example, and discussing your product on it. Blogs are actually great for that sort of thing, and, in keeping with the spirit of the article, you can start one up for free. That and a little research about keywords and so forth will take you a long way towards bringing in a steady cliental.
7. Search the internet, master it as far as it's possible, know it's secrets and cunning little details. There's no place like the internet for free marketing. There at least you don't have to look a person in their eyes when you ask "Can I pin this here?" and they talk to you as if you were a beast and not a man.
8. Research, work, and enthusiasm are the three master keys for unlocking the doors of marketing your product with no money. Turn to them in times of need, swallow them, make them part of you, and success will follow rather than tragic, tragic failure.

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