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How to determine the financial requirements of funding your small business

While many people envision starting up a small business they might not be able to realize their dreams because they are not aware of the financial requirements of funding for a small business. You might think that getting a small business loan is a simple process, but what you might not realize is that although most small business loans are commercial loans they are still backed by the United States Government. While the Small Business Administration is not a direct lender for small business loans, commercial loans specialists will seek a guaranty from the Small Business Administration to support their loan to you; this means you must meet the Small Business Administrations guidelines before your loan will be approved.

Tip one:
The first thing that you must have when it comes to financial requirements for funding is a good credit score. Because you are a start-up business your business will most likely not have very good credit, most likely it won't have any credit at all. Due to this factor the commercial lenders you are seeking a loan from will look at your personal credit score to determine if you can qualify for a SBA loan.

Tip two:
Besides a good credit rating you are also going to have to be able to prove that you have invested a reasonable amount into your small business. The investment can either be cash to buy assets or you can invest actual assets that will be used to operate the business. If you choose to invest in assets you are going to need to have receipts or invoices to prove what those assets are worth. Their will be an examination of the debt-to-worth ratio to understand how much money you are asking to borrow in relation to how much you have already invested in the company because the ultimate goal is that when your borrowed funds are combined with your investment will allow your business to operate on a sound basis.

Tip three:
The third requirement that you are going to need to get funding for your small business is a cash flow projection.This will show when you expect your income to turn into cash and when all of your expenses must be paid and should be broken down on a monthly basis for the first year after the loan is made. If you are requesting a loan to start up a new small business you are going to need to document all of the assumptions you have made that went into what you estimated for both revenues and expenses and include them in your loan application.

Tip four:
Another important thing that you are going to have to be able to have is working capital, which is the excess of current assets over current liabilities. In order to get a loan you can not have negative working capital because then you are not going to be able to repay your loan. When you are putting together your cash flow projection and your business plan for your loan you are going to have to explain how you have come up with your amount of working capital, what assumptions you made on the estimations.

Tip five:
Another thing you need to get funding for your small business is collateral, as long as worthwhile assets are available; it is usually required but can be overlooked if it is the only unfavorable aspect of the application. Collateral can be either assets which are usable in the business or personal assets which remain outside the business. Personal guarantees are also required of every person who owns 20% or more of the business, as well as people who hold key management positions

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