business articles

Financial Intelligence: Age of the Pro-sumer

Keywords: Investing

The Consumer

Fortune magazine is calling this New Millennium we are living in the "Age of the Consumer." And for good reason. With on-line shopping and the expansion of huge discount chains, prices for goods and services continues to drop daily, "saving" consumers billions and billions of dollars every year.But wait a minute! Are you really "Saving"?

Consider this, when you buy a $150.00 item at 50% discount, you don't "save" $75.00. You "SPEND" $75.00. So you not only lose $75.00 from your net worth by spending it but you lose the ability to invest that $75.00 to grow more money over time.

"Consumer-thinking = spend money."

The Producer

The E-tailers and retailers that sell consumers discounted products are producers of wealth. Today they are recording record profits for themselves and their shareholders. They spend their money with the intent of making money.

"Producer-thinking = invest money with the idea of making money and building equity. Keys of wealth creation."

Producer-Consuming (Pro-suming)

Thanks to a paradigm-shattering concept called pro-sumer thinking, average people today are enjoying the best of both worlds - they produce wealth while they consume! They also teach others to do the same. If they can teach or help teach enough people to do the same they can generate a residual income which is only limited in amount by their efforts.

"Pro-sumer thinking = produce money while spending money" Major Key of Wealth Creation - Pro-suming

You have to think like the store: Spend your money with the idea of making money and building equity.

Wealthy people have always understood the power of pro-suming. In their best-selling book "The Millionaire Next Door", the authors Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko list the key strategies most millionaires use to accumulate their wealth. Amazingly, these strategies are so simple and powerful that anyone, let me say that again, "ANYONE" can dramatically increase their wealth by putting them into practice.

Millionaires understand the difference between investing (money grows) and spending (money goes). Millionaires own their own business or are equity partners in the companies they work for. They delay short-term gratification for long-term financial security. In short, millionaires look for opportunities to make money when they spend money.

ALL Millionaires are Pro-sumers.

Closing remarks

As part of your financial plan it is imperative that you learn to become a pro-sumer. Don't settle for short-term gratification, settle for long-term financial freedom.

Buy smarter not cheaper. Don't discount your dreams.

There is always hope for those that help themselves"


© Copyright 2004 Winston (Kip) Scoville,
Editor MKOPPS E-zine

Winston Scoville is the owner of a Small and Home based business resources site. ( A small community making a BIG Difference. -

Posted by Angie at June 18, 2004 03:58 PM | TrackBack
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