business articles

Advertising Secrets From The Pros - Repetitive Advertising

Keywords: Advertising

Advertising isn't a one-shot game. The more often people see your ads, (to a point), the more likely they are to respond to your offer.

I don't know why it is, but some would-be entrepreneurs think one- or two-shot advertising is going to land them in the Internet Money Makers Hall of Fame.

If that were true, we'd ALL have a plaque hanging there!

Advertising is a numbers game. You win by staying in the game, not bailing out when you don't get the immediate responses expected from that great Ad you just sent out.

Frustrating and time-consuming? Yes, of course, but either you're serious about what you're doing or you're just 'talking the talk'.

Being in business requires commitment to on-going, never-ending marketing and promotion. This is a tough sell to people who don't want to listen.

The Internet is decidedly deceptive because of the sheer number of people out there. What many do not realize is that those 'sheer numbers' become dramatically smaller when it's time for people to part with a dollar. Even if it will do them a world of good!

Many who are new to the Internet arrive with the idea that they have the 'better way' to get people's attention. Okay.

Some who are not new think the same way. Okay.

Certain business techniques that guarantee success are here to stay. Advertising has always been the key that opens the door to the Kingdom and that's not about to change. Not on the Internet or off the Internet.

Back to the one-shot deal. It doesn't work. What HAS proven successful time and again is Repetitive Advertising. Simply put, it's the process of making sure your ads remain in front of people over and over again until they 'get it'..

Let's take the best example of Repetitive Advertising there is - Television! Think of the countless times you have seen the same commercial day in and day out. Have you ever been 'coerced' into finally believing you need what's being sold?

Even relative junk has sold in the millions thanks to the very persuasive power of TV's use of Repetitive Advertising. Many call this brainwashing and that's pretty understandable. Anything consistently repeated can become hypnotic. TV's the master!

Some experts have concluded that people need to see an ad a certain amount of times (7, in most cases) before the message begins to sink in (notice I said 'begins"). Then they need to see it even more before they commit to buying into it. Repetitive Advertising reinforces the idea and captures the Sale!

There's no question that Advertising can be expensive. In fact, cost holds many people back from doing as much as they should. This only gets in the way of success and doesn't have to be that way. Many vehicles offer free, cheap or middle-of-the-road advertising.

Don't listen to those who say it's impossible to make money on the Internet. They're wrong. It takes work but like anything worth pursuing, that shouldn't be an issue. Too many people give up too easily. .

It may be impossible to make money without advertising but whatever your budget is, it's there if you look for it and is just as much a road to success as forking out tons of advertising dollars. Supply the ambition, drive and commitment and you're half-way there!


Author/Publisher/Ad Copy Writer, Sam Knight recommends the following low cost advertising:
By Sam Knight (c) 2004

Posted by DK at June 14, 2004 09:17 AM
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