business articles

The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Have to Sell

Keywords: Ethics

With all the problems facing Internet Marketers these days, the anti-spamming software being installed on many ISPs; the potential charging for white listings; not to mention the shear number of competitors doing the exact same thing each and every day. . .

. . .anyone who wants to market successfully needs an edge.

To find that edge, you'd have to go way beyond the concept of becoming a "guru robot", or "duplication clone", and find your own niche in the marketing world.

There's been a lot of talk about "niche marketing" going around lately, and believe me when I say, it's probably the only way to make a decent living online in today's market.

But before you could ever hope to go it alone in your niche, you'll first need to establish your legitimacy and be able to prove it to all oncomers.

Sure, legitimacy comes from finding a niche you know a lot about and giving your readers the "expert touch", but most experts in their fields forget one very important aspect that can make or break a niche marketer.

Above and beyond being an expert at something and proving it, you'll have to prove your own legitimacy first. That is, The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Have to Sell. . .


Consumers today have gotten sharp, and can smell a con or "come-on" a mile away. So, you'll need to find the proper methods of gaining reliability and integrity before most people will give you a second glance.

Showing yourself to be a person of integrity and reliability will earn you the trust most people look for in a company before they pull their wallets out.

You owe it to yourself to make your personal presentation a priority of your business plan!

K.R. Nadreau is the author of "Up Front Marketing ~ Selling Without Selling Yourself Short", a new ebook about gaining legitimacy and recognition in today's market.

He's a motivational speaker/writer who has spoken to upwards of 2,500 at a time, and has been instrumental in the creation of countless successful businesses both for profit and non-profit. His articles about business and culture are read by thousands.


Posted by Angie at June 18, 2004 04:34 PM
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