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Work At Home Solutions for Stay At Home Moms

Keywords: Business For Stay At Home Moms

It's 2004 and as the years go by, it's getting increasingly difficult for a family to survive on just one income.

With credit card debt, (which if you're in an average American household you owe about $8000 on all credit cards), the under-saving on 401k plans, and living paycheck to paycheck - parents are recognizing the need for an extra income.

What does this mean for you all who want to be a stay at home moms or dads?

Simple, it means that you will need to create that much needed second income by finding work at home at home solutions in order to be stay at home moms or dads.

If you are in this position there are many work at home solutions out there for you. Here are just three for you to consider. Please note that the following suggestions involve you starting your own home business by learning a financially valuable skill.

Become a Freelance Writer Being a supplier of your own written content for specific markets is a valuable skill to have. There are thousands of newspapers, magazines and book publishers in the world who accept work from freelance writers and they are more than willing to pay for your work. All you need to do is learn how to write publishable work and also how to present your work to editors. You can learn these writing skills by taking appropriate writing courses.

You can get recommended writing courses at Writer's

Become a Freelance Copywriter Copywriters write the text for advertising or publicity material. One lucrative genre for copywriters is creating direct marketing packages. I'm sure you've received some of these in the mail – letters written specifically to convince you to buy something. Well next time you get one of these take a careful look at it and decide if you can write letters like that. If you can, then you will be pleased to know that there are hundreds of direct marketing companies who spend millions of dollars each year on copywriters.

You can check out for more copywriting information.

Become a Freelance Consultant Bob Bly is a Marketing Consultant. Marketing is his specialty and he made over $500,000 last year with his consulting business working from home.

What is your specialty? Your consulting business can be about accounting, exercise, marketing, construction management, health and safety and much more.

For more information about starting a consulting business and for more ideas about what kind of consulting business you can start, read about the American Consultants League at

Being able to stay at home and take care of your family is a privilege. However it can be difficult and worrisome if there isn't enough money to do so. I hope these work at home solutions presented here help you.

By Fayola Peters

Fayola Peters is the web publisher of For More Work at Home Solutions for Stay at Home Moms you can get a free subscription to her newsletter "Work at Home Solutions for Stay at Home Moms" at

Posted by Angie at June 14, 2004 05:33 PM
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