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Brief Experiences on How I Started Making Money Online

Keywords: Online Business

I started selling different products as a mail order business in 1996, however, a month later, after buying a computer and discovering the Internet I decided to open an online store. Very soon I found out that selling books and information online in general was a hit and also a very convenient way for an extra income home business, considering that my personal life had very little money, little space, a lot of work and a family to support. Therefore I registered a domain name, I sign up for an Internet connection and then finally opened my bookstore named

Setting up the store at the beginning was very hard, I had to design my own pages, plan and put in action my own marketing strategy, take orders, ship the books, and do by myself whatever else came up.

At first, I only had a few books for sale (approximately 20), after two months there were absolutely no orders, I even sent out a catalog by mail to possible clients with zero response. I was completely frustrated and seriously considering doing something else. I decide then to sign up for a book drop ship dealer program with the idea to increase the number of products to offer and consequently the chances of sales, and also started advertising at the pay per click search engines. That is when orders finally started coming in. But don’t think that there were many, only two or three per week. However this was only what I needed in order to keep working on this project.

Out of 700 books that were being offered at (mostly from the drop shipping program) about three were very good sellers. I decided to place more time and money marketing these books, soon later, I realize that I was making a pretty good monthly income.

The final step taken, was to decrease the cost of the books, instead of drop shipping the orders, I negotiated low prices for my best sellers and ordered more at wholesale price, these books when ordered were shipped by from my home office and not drop shipped as before, of course I had to reserved an extra room for book stocking but it was worth it. The advantage of shipping yourself is that you have more control of the postal cost and better tracking of the orders.

I also decide to sell books of my own which doesn’t mean books written by me, but books and information that I had reprint rights. I started buying books with reprint rights and soon a whole section of the bookstore was dedicated to these informational products. Every time an order came in for one of these products it was practically 100% profit, little or almost nothing was spend on the cost of printing the book.

Currently the bookstore has two permanent employees and sometimes up to five part times working at the high season. A high steady annual income in the last five years and the fascination of the bookselling business has been tempting me to abandon my current job as a science teacher and take selling books online as a permanent job. Will see.

Armand Days is the owner and webmaster of Visit us today and sign-up for our book drop ship program.

Posted by Angie at June 23, 2004 10:33 AM
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