Sales Articles

January 31, 2005

Throw away your brochures ... and SELL!

Product brochures can work against you. If you have them at all, they need to be specifically designed as a SELLING piece, not a "corporate trumpet". And they need to be given out very judiciously.

Sometimes it's better not to have them at all. Brochures encourage undesirable behavior in prospective customers!

For a start, they encourage "brochure collecting" ... the prospective customer collects brochures until they have a drawer full of yours and your competitors'. Brochures encourage delaying the decision ... because now there's all this confusing reading matter to wade through. And they encourage your prospect to spend LESS time with you because they feel they now have "all the information" to make a decision.

The reality is ... you can often far more nobly serve your client by NOT giving them a brochure.

Posted by DK at 09:03 AM

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