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All about multi-vitamins

pill63305073.jpgThere is no denying the fact that when it comes to obtaining the micronutrients, your body needs, your best possible source is food.This is especially true when it comes to fruits and vegetables. However, for many people, circumstances may prevent you, from eating optimally every day. The main reason that most people take supplements is for insurance against gaps in their diet. In addition, researchers are finding that some important vitamins (D and E particularly), and minerals, are protective against disease, in amounts that may be difficult to obtain through diet alone, no matter how conscientious you are. Because of this many doctors are now urging their patients to take a multivitamin.

The basic recommendation for a comprehensive antioxidant and multivitamin for both women and men is as follows:

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin D

  • Vitamin E

  • Vitamin K:

  • Biotin

  • Calcium-Although it is important to understand that there is no multivitamin
supplement that contains the RDA for calcium (1,000-1,200 mg/day), because the resulting pill would be too large to swallow. Keep in mind that people who do not consume the RDA for calcium, from their diet, will need an extra calcium supplement, to make up the difference.
  • Iron-It should be noted that pre-menopausal women should look for a multivitamin supplement that provides 18 mg. Men and postmenopausal women should generally look for a supplement without iron.

  • Magnesium

  • Selenium

Despite the many myths that surround the taking of vitamins and supplements, most health care professionals, will tell you that there are no rules about the best time of day to take supplements. Many doctors suggest taking them when they agree with you most. Many people find taking pills, of any kind as part of a morning routine, makes it easier to remember, so taking them with breakfast is a popular option. You should keep in mind that vitamin and mineral supplements can cause nausea, heartburn, and other gastric disturbances, especially when they are taken on an empty stomach. For best absorption and the least irritation to the stomach, it is suggested that you take your supplements, with a meal containing fat. This is particularly important for the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D and E).

It is also important to realize that certain foods (or an empty stomach), can also interfere with absorption of some vitamins, and minerals. For example: when taking calcium, you need enough stomach acid to assimilate it, so you are better off taking it after you have eaten, because food in the stomach stimulates acid secretion. Foods that interfere with iron absorption include:caffeinated beverages, eggs, milk, and bran.In addition to the foods listed above, excess consumption of alcohol, can interfere with absorption of several vitamins and minerals. The bottom line is that if you are eating a healthy, balanced diet, you have no reason to worry about foods interfering with the absorption of your vitamin, and mineral supplements.

It is important to understand that supplementation to cover dietary gaps is only one aspect of optimum health.There are other considerations that should be made when trying to form a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle. Some of these are:

  • Exercise-For optimum health, incorporate more activity in your life.

  • Eat a well-rounded diet-Even if you are taking a supplement you should focus on eating a healthy diet. Keep in mind that you want to eat a diet that is rich in antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. Vegetables and fruits are known as the best sources of antioxidants, although tea and dark chocolate contribute as well. Cold-water fish, freshly ground flaxseed and walnuts all provide omega-3 fatty acid, as well.

  • Do not smoke and try to avoid secondhand smoke.Everyone needs to realize that smoking is the single greatest cause of preventable major illness. The best defense against the harmful effects of tobacco is simply to never use it.

  • Minimize the stress in your life-You can practice breathing exercises, and explore other relaxation techniques, such as yoga, and meditation, to find ones that work for you.

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