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Ab Exercise:

When people think of someone who is very fit, they usually envision washboard abs as a major part of a fit person. If they want to become fit, strong abs are something that they will work for. Having a tight stomach that is also very strong is seen as a great thing. After all, Batman has it, Superman has it.all heroes must have washboard abs.

There are many different exercises that can be done to strengthen your abs. It is not only exercise that will give you washboard abs though. You also have to eat healthy. If you are not eating healthy you may never burn the layer of body fat off your abs that is there.

You may have incredibly strong abs but this layer of fat will prevent them from being seen. Your great abs will hid under it until you get rid of it. That is why you not only need to do hard ab workouts but also eat healthy.

Something to avoid is only working out your abs. If you only workout your abs and not the rest of your body it could cause injure to parts of the body that are not being worked out. For example, if you are working out your stomach and not your back, your stomach will pull tight and your back will not. This could injure your back and cause problems.

Also, if you do other exercise, that is more calories that are being burnt from out of your body and fewer calories that you need to try and burn off your stomach just with ab workouts.

Ab workouts are not set in stone. There are many different exercises that you can do and you can put whichever of those exercise that you want into a series and make up your own workouts and routines.

There are some that are believed to do more for abs than others. They usually get the best results of any. One of these is the bicycle exercise.

This is where you lay with your back flat on the ground, your feet outstretched, about twelve inches off the ground. One by one you bring your knees up and do a bicycling motion. As your knees come up, you touch opposite elbows to opposite leg. Left to right, right to left.

Another great exercise is one that is like this except without the bicycling motion. You lay flat with you legs out in front of you, about twelve inches from the ground. There are a few things you can do from this position.

One is just to hold it for as long as you can, then rest, then hold it again. Another would be to lift your legs up and down. From your beginning position, to straight above you, so that you are in a ninety degree angle. You should do repetitions, lifting you legs up and bringing them down, up and down, up and down.

Another exercise is almost this exact same thing only you do one leg at a time instead of both legs. This one is good for you also.

There are many, many different ab exercises to do that will work your abs and produce a washboard. But it is important to remember to eat healthy and work the rest of your body as well as your abs.

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