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Choosing And Using An Exercise Ball

Where to buy 'em and how to use 'em
Fitness fads come and go but, every now and then, a trend comes along that actually makes sense. One such trend is a new focus on core strength and functional training which involves strengthening the torso for better workouts and less injuries. One such favorite tool for core strength is the exercise ball. Physical therapists have used them for years, but fitness experts now know it's one of the best ways to strengthen the abs and back and increase stability. Here's what you need to know about choosing and using an exercise ball.Peter Francis, director of the biomechanics lab at San Diego State University, is a ball advocate. "It's a legitimate physical-therapy tool," he says."The exercise ball came from the Swiss physical-therapy community, it's not something someone invented in their garage three weeks ago. It's very versatile."
Choosing an Exercise Ball
Before buying a ball, make sure it's the right size. To test it, sit on the ball and make sure hips are level or just slightly higher than the knees:
55 cm - 4'11" - 5'4"
65 cm - 5'5" - 5'11"
75 cm - 6'0" - 6' 7"
If you're overweight or obese, you might be wondering if you can use an exercise ball.
Many companies sell burst-resistant balls that often hold 600 or more pounds, such as ball dynamics. You can find exercise balls at most department stores (Target, Walmart, etc.), sporting goods stores or you can order it online. SPRI an online company also offers quality exercise balls at reasonable prices. Prices are fairly modest with a good quality ball possessing thick vinyl can be bought for $20-40 dollars.

Choosing an Exercise Ball
Before buying a ball, make sure it's the right size. To test it, sit on the ball and make sure hips are level or just slightly higher than the knees:
55 cm - 4'11" - 5'4"
65 cm - 5'5" - 5'11"
75 cm - 6'0" - 6' 7"
If you're overweight or obese, you might be wondering if you can use an exercise ball.
Many companies sell burst-resistant balls that often hold 600 or more pounds, such as ball dynamics. You can find exercise balls at most department stores (Target, Walmart, etc.), sporting goods stores or you can order it online. SPRI an online company also offers quality exercise balls at reasonable prices. Prices are fairly modest with a good quality ball possessing thick vinyl can be bought for $20-40 dollars.
How To Use Your Exercise Ball
Exercise balls challenge by putting your body in an unstable environment. When you lie on the ball, your legs and abs immediately contract to keep you from falling off. Add an exercise to that (like a chest press or a crunch), and you've just increased the intensity of the movement. Bonus: Exercise balls are versatile enough to use for just about anything, including:
Weight training. Use the stability ball as your new 'weight bench' to add difficulty to the movements and incorporate the muscles of your legs, butt and abs.
Abdominal training. Doing crunches, twists and other traditional exercises on the ball adds difficulty to the movement by recruiting more muscles.
Sitting around. Just sitting on an exercise ball can be a challenge and it's a great way to improve your posture when sitting in front of a computer or watching television. Practice by sitting on it and raising one foot off the ground and balancing.
Flexibility, yoga and pilates exercises. The ball is great for stretching and relaxing..
Playing around. It's a workout tool but, don't forget, it's also a ball. Your kids will love playing with it, just keep an eye on them so they don't hurt themselves.
Exercise Ball Selections
There are many brands and selections that could be made in selecting an exercise ball.Some of the top brands recommended are:
Fitball Original Exercise Ball-Professional Quality.The #1 quality burst-resistant exercise ball .All-around therapy, stability and sitting ball.
Gymnic Therapy Exercise Ball-High quality therapy and stability ball.
Fitball Sport Firm Exercise Ball-Value, quality burst resistant ball, designed for more advanced balance and stability training.
Fitball Sport Soft Exercise Ball-Value, quality burst resistant therapy ball offering similar comfort qualities as the Italian made Original FitBall.
Sit N Gym Plus Exercise Ball-Quality burst resistant exercise ball with "feet", convenient for sitting and exercising (feet prevent the ball from rolling away).
While each brand offers different options overall the Fitball Original Exercise Ball provides all the needed options for a quality exercise ball experience. These exercise balls (aka swiss balls, balance balls, stability balls, fitness balls, birthing balls) are widely used by rehabilitation, fitness and educational professionals throughout the world, they may be the trend that is here to stay!

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