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Common Myths About Exercise

Ok, so you have heard it all, exercise causes this, and exercise does that. You can't believe everything you hear and read, and when it comes to exercise it is important to know the truths behind the myths. Most myths are based in some truth, so let's take a look at some of the common exercise myths, and what the truths are, and what the falsities are.
Myths include:
Myth one: Excessive exercise can cause immediate death. This sounds very doom and gloom, but while not entirely true, there is some small basis in fact. For example, water intoxication can result from prolific sweating combined with consumption of large amounts of water, such as running a marathon. While this is uncommon, it does happen. It is also possible to die from a heart attack or similar affliction because of intense exercise, if it is performed by someone who is not in a reasonable state of fitness for that particular activity. So truth is, if you know what you are doing, and are in good enough shape, this myth should not hold true for you. However, a doctor should always be consulted before any radical changes are made to your current exercise program.
Myth two: Weightlifting makes you short or stops growth. This is only true for some people.

Basically, heavy weight training in adolescents or those who are not finished growing, can damage the epiphyseal plate of long bones, and can stunt the growth. However, very few teenagers lift enough for this to be a problem. Simply monitor the excessiveness of weight or exercise to determine if this myth will be true for you.
Myth three: Spot reducing. This is totally untrue. You can not reduce fat from specific parts of your body, such as your thighs or abdomen, it just does not work that way. The truth is fat cannot be burned from specific body parts. Fat is stored throughout the body, and exercise will use fat from different areas and not necessarily the part you are working.
Myth four: "No pain, no gain." This too is super untrue. Many think that you must exercise at a very high intensity or for long hours to get results. Low to moderate intensity routines have valuable health benefits. The truth is that too intense means injury and illness. If you feel pain, stop, don't try and work through it.
Myth five: Strength training will make you very muscular. Most women will not lift weights or workout because they do not want to get all muscular and manly.However, women have less of the hormone testosterone, which is key to developing large muscles, and chances of looking huge are rare. Rather, doing some strength training, and using a variety of exercises for the major muscle groups, will help lead to a lean and toned appearance. Body builders work a lot, and many use hormones and steroids to get that appearance.
Myth six: If you stop working out, muscle will turn into fat. Many people believe that if they stop working out, their muscle will turn into fat. Muscle and fat are two distinct tissues, and will not ever convert into each other. This myth comes from the fact that if you stop exercising, muscle tissue will shrink, so you may feel flabbier. Also, when muscles get smaller they do not need as much fuel. Also many people continue to eat as much as they did, and their body does not need as much.
Myth seven: If you didn't exercise when you were younger, it's too late. It is never too late to do something to get fit and feel good. While many older people tend to think that it is too late to start an exercise routine if they didn't work out when they were younger, the truth is that studies have shown that it is never too late to start working out, you can reap benefits at any age.

Exercise is great, so learn the truth, and forget the myths.

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