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Employee health is important for everyone

busfriends30396999-1.jpgOne of the biggest reasons that you should care about your employees' health is because they care about it.Employers who show a sincere interest in the things their employees care about are more likely to have lower turnover rates and higher employee loyalty.There are many other reasons why employee health is important to everyone in the business including you.

There is no question in many people's minds that health is something that is very important in life.Society puts a great deal of value on living a healthy and happy lifestyle and companies and corporations are also starting to get involved and more proactive when it comes to the health of their employees.One reason that employees are interested in employee health is that good health can add to the bottom line in a very tangible way and bad health can get very expensive very quickly.There have been hundreds of studies over the years that have analyzed the health of employees and the productivity and contribution they make to the bottom line of a company.Although there are still advocates for both sides of the argument, the basic conclusion is that employees with poor health can hinder the progress of a business and actually drag down the company as a whole in a very slow and painful process.The research also shows that healthy employees are more productive at work, are better able to deal with the challenges and stress of work and are also able to live more balanced lives.Any employer would prefer the second group of people to the first and that is why so many businesses are putting a great deal of emphasis on employee health.

One health related expense that many employees take for granted is the medical insurance premium.They often complain about how much they have to pay for insurance, but forget that most of the time the company is also contributing a significant portion of the premiums through a group plan.This burden can become very heavy as a company grows and hires more and more employees.The rates that are available to the company also can vary and increase year to year depending on the total amount that the insurance company has to pay out on the group policy.This means that if there are several people in the company with very high medical expenses, the whole company will likely feel the brunt of the cost the following year with either an increased premium or inferior plan coverage.Both of these scenarios can easily be quantified into real financial expenses and no one wants to pay them.Because employers want to maintain a good environment for working that promotes efficiency, they are starting to take matters into their own hands and offer wellness and incentive programs that award people for their efforts at healthy living and changing poor lifestyle habits.

Another very compelling reason that employee health is important to everyone is simply the fact that employees care about their health.Many companies have the philosophy that their most important customers are actually their employees.If they are having a difficult time convincing themselves that they are committed to the company, how are they ever going to manage to convince other people that the company is worthwhile?Taking the time to listen to your employees and spending time, effort and money on the things that are important to them will make them loyal `customers' for years to come.Having employees that are committed to the business is a very valuable asset and the ROI for these employees is much higher than those who aren't satisfied with the business.Spend some time focusing on things that are important to them and they will continue to work hard for the company for years to come.

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