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How do I find a good insurance agent?

Finding a good insurance agent is just as important as finding a good health plan. In general, there are two types of insurance agents - independent agents who work for more than one company and contract agents who represent a single company. There are of course pros and cons with both, but let's take a look at how in general you can find a good insurance agent:
1. The first thing you want to do when looking for a good insurance agent is be sure to contact at least five different agents. Consider using an insurance broker who can help you comparison shop. This will give you an idea of what is good and not because you can compare. It is like shopping for any other expensive thing, you want to be sure you are getting the right price and value, and the only way to do that is to comparison shop. If you have trouble finding five agents in your area have a minimum of at least three, but no more than 7 as that is just extra work. Five is plenty for figuring out comparisons.

2. The next thing you want to do is be sure to consider the agent's office and professional staff. Ask for customer references and contact some of them to find out how they like the agent and their services. This is super important, you want to be sure that you can get a hold of your agent should you ever need them, and that they will respond in a timely manner. The better the staff and agent, the more reputable their product, and the more comfortable you will feel should you ever make a claim. You want to know that they care about your business and will take care of things for you in a timely manner.
3. Ask for printouts of any proposal they offer, if it is not in writing it is not binding. This is so important because you want to be able to refer back to what you talked about, reference your plan should you ever have questions, and know exactly what is covered and what is not.
4. Ask for the A. M. Best rating of the company offering the policy. Best is the oldest industry monitoring company. An A or A++ rating from Best signifies a good reputation and solid financial foundation.
5. Deal only with an agent who wants to sell a policy you need and can afford rather than the policy that he or she wants to sell you. No pressure sales is important. You do not want to spend more each month if you do not need to. So do what is best for you, not for them.
Tips and Warnings About How to Find a Good Insurance Agent:
- Seek out an agent that listens. This is important!
- A good agent will ask questions about your insurance needs. They should ask you specific questions that pertain to your income, lifestyle, and financial situation that should help them determine what insurance is best for you.
- Make sure you are comfortable with the agent's recommendations and advice. Don't do business with someone you don't like; find another agent who represents the same company. You want to work with someone you get along with.
- In addition to price and personality, evaluate how quickly an agent responds to your needs. Do they return calls in a timely manner? Do they do what they say they will, etc.?
- Avoid agents who won't take seriously your concerns about buying the best coverage possible for the least amount of premium. There are plenty of agents out there, so just find another one.

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