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Preventing Slips In The Workplace

Workplace accidents are one of the biggest problems that you need to worry about. Most of the workplace accidents out there can be preventing with just a few simple things. One of the common workplace accidents that happens is when employees slip and fall on wet or greasy floors. Even a slick floor can be a big hazard to your working environment. You should add some safety tape to the flooring in order to keep your employees from falling. You might also consider adding some anti-fatigue floor matting in order to prevent falls as well.

Training is one of the best things you can do in order to prevent simple accidents from happening. When you properly train your staff members they are less likely to practice improper habits when they are working. Make sure your employees are given proper training initially but also that they are given updates on safety training as well. When you have employees are given proper training they have more confidence in their job and in their working abilities. This gives you a big advantage for productivity but it really can help to improve your company's accident ratio.

Non slip flooring is a good idea to consider adding to your company. Non slip tape and mats will give you the right type of safety you need in order to prevent employees from slipping and falling. Areas where lots of water is prone like the sink area needs to have anti slip matting and tape placed here to keep employees safe. You also need to add some non slip tape to certain areas like ladders and catwalks. These are areas that are accident prone and you really need to focus on educating your employees and making them aware of the risks here so they will stay safe.

Have a company policy that provides information on what to do with spills and other things on the flooring. Your employees need to know where the mop is and other things to clean up a spill. This is important to keeping the employees safe and to make sure your employees are following proper procedures when it comes to things like spills that can cause serious accidents. Make sure you have hazard signs that are clearly posted and signs for things like a wet floor so you can make your other employees aware of a potential hazard in the area.

Maintenance is one of the things that you have to worry about as well when it comes to managing your flooring and preventing slips. Uneven flooring can be a huge problem for your company if you are not careful. Slipping on rugs or carpet can be just as common as slipping on tile. Missing tile or pieces of flooring that are not even can easily cause your employees to trip and fall and will lead to serious injuries. Update your flooring if it is starting to show it's age and it is time to improve the company.

Safety bars are a smart investment. The safety bars can help your employees down the stair and around areas that are hazardous. They can also prevent an employee from slipping and falling as they can quickly grab a hold of them if they are slipping.

Slips may also happen in the workplace because you are not lighting the company correctly. You need to make sure you have plenty of light in areas that could be hazardous. Consider motion sensor lighting to help keep the workplace properly lit so your employees do not trip because it was too dark. Change out the lights that get burned out to keep the office properly lit.

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