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5 Tips To Promote Wellness In Your Workplace

Having a healthy workforce means you can easily have a productive workforce. It is important to look for ways in which you can focus on getting your employees in shape so they can start contributing to the overall productivity for the company but also to make sure that your healthcare costs are under control. When your employees are in shape they are less likely to visit the doctor, which can help to keep your costs down. It can also reduce how much time off your staff is taking, which also leads to an increase in compensation that you need to pay out to your employees. A lot of the things that you can do are easy to implement as many of the health issues are preventable. Here are 5 tips to help promote wellness in the workplace that will really make a difference.

Tip # 1 - Cleanliness
One of the things you need to do is to focus on keeping the workplace clean. It is important that you clean often to reduce the spread of germs in the office. Many companies do not realize how many germs are floating around the office until they start to see a large number of their employees getting sick. Look at the problem areas like the doorknobs and places that are frequently touched. These are the germ pools that you need to clean daily to reduce the spread of diseases in the office. Offer each employee their own set of antibacterial wipes that they can use to wipe up the keyboards, phones, doorknobs, desks, etc. They all need to have access to things that can help to reduce the spread of germs. You also need to focus on getting the office properly organized so employees do not have accidents by tripping over clutter and other things.

Tip # 2 - Reduce Stress
Watch your employees personalities and the way in which they work. If you notice that their workload is increasing and they are starting to fall behind you need to consider reducing their workload to cut down on the amount of stress they are under. Too much stress can lead to a morale problem in a hurry but it really does take its toll on the productivity for the company. One way to reduce stress is to start giving your employees flexible work schedules. This is great as it gives them a chance to choose their own schedule and can fit better with their home situation.

Tip # 3 - Wellness Programs
If you have employees that are dealing with obesity, smoking, and serious health concerns you need to consider implementing a wellness program. These programs are beneficial as they help employees to get in shape by losing weight, eating healthier, and just addressing their health needs. Wellness programs are great for companies as their return ratio is quite high for the investment amount and you get the benefit of happier employees as well as they are thrilled about a company that is willing to invest money into their staff members.

Tip # 4 - Exercise time
To help your employees focus on their health you need to offer them gym memberships and other things. It helps to get them some exercise that helps to reduce their stress load but will also give them the extra energy they need to work hard and to feel better. When they are in shape they are less likely to be susceptible to illness and to miss time from work. They are also less likely to use their health insurance as they are in good health.

Tip # 5 - Health Screenings
Host health screenings that will provide your employees with insight into their health situation. You need to consider giving them some additional benefits as well like vaccination as they too can improve their health and will prevent illnesses.

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