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Quality Stress Management In The Workplace

Many employers understand the importance of having healthy employees but they may be contributing to higher risks of heart disease with their employees without actually realizing it. There has been a huge increase in heart disease problems mostly related to obesity and other health risks like smoking but high amounts of stress are also to blame. Employees that are under a great deal of stress are finding it difficult to manage their daily lives and it starts to impact their health. Employers may find that employees are not as productive as they used to be and it's common to see a lot of employee burnout due to high stress loads. This is why employee health needs to be one of your top priorities and you need to focus on reducing the stress loads of your employees.

High amounts of stress leads to more than heart disease as it also impacts other things as well like mental health. It can make it difficult for anyone to complete their jobs but even to manage their personal lives well because of the high amounts of stress that are wearing down on them. Companies are now starting to see the hazards of high amounts of stress and they are focused on providing employees with stress management coping techniques and other things to try and reduce the amount of stress. It is important that you focus on helping your employees to relax and reduce their stress load or it can really hurt your companies productivity but it can increase health insurance premiums as your staff members are visiting the doctor frequently.

What are some of the things that you can do to encourage stress reduction in the workplace? Here are a few tips to try out:
- Keep the office relaxed. You need to focus your efforts on keeping the office friendly and upbeat. Make sure you walk around and spend time interacting with your employees and getting them to laugh. Laughter is one of the best medicines out there and it's one of the best ways to manage stress. Managers can provide their employees with some much-needed laughter from time to time and it will help to keep everyone comfortable and can keep stress at bay.
- Manage workloads. Managers also need to focus their efforts on understanding how much work they are assigning to their employees. You need to manage the workloads of your employees so they do not have too much on their plate. If you cannot hire new employees to help out, restructure the jobs of other employees so they can have more responsibility if they are ready for it. Keeping balanced workloads will really reduce stress in the workplace.
- Encourage exercise. While you may not be able to get your employees to exercise, at least encouraging them to exercise can give them a little push. Send out exercise tips in your weekly newsletters to your employees and make sure you cite the benefits of exercise on stress reduction. Exercising throughout the day helps to increase endorphins, which help you to cope with stress effectively. Go for walks on breaks and encourage your employees to join you. This is a great way to show your employees that you are committed to a healthier lifestyle and keeping stress at bay.
- Healthier eating. Certain foods like caffeine can actually make stress worse. Like exercise, you can only encourage your employees to practice healthier eating habits. Replacing the unhealthy foods in the vending machines can help to make a difference as your employees will not opt for soda and will try out 100% fruit juice instead. Healthier eating makes a big difference on how your body is able to cope with stress.

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