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Steps for planning an employee wellness program

checkbox63308153.jpgSometimes the process of planning an employee wellness program can seem overwhelming; however, it is important to keep in mind that if there is the proper amount of research and planning, the entire process can be easily facilitated. Here are the steps for planning an employee wellness program-

  • Consider what money can be spent-The reality is that your budget will be a determining factor as to how extensive and large your employee wellness program can be. The usual scenario is that most businesses are setting this type of program on a limited budget. This means that you will have to pick and choose that number and type of programs that will be implemented. The Health Promotion Team should keep in mind that there are community resources in most location that are available to help at no or low cost. For example: There may community resources you can use such as pamphlets, posters, guest speakers and even health screening. Your community may also be able to provide you with a list of organizations that are health related that can help your employees who are seeking a particular service. Do not overlook the possibility of working with another business and pooling resources. This can be a great way to keep costs down and still implement an employee wellness program.
  • Consider the location you will use-You will need to consider what physical location you will use for your employee wellness program. The physical location of your business may or may not, be the right one, for the program. Keep in mind that some of your employees may work in other locations, and you will need to address those needs, as well. If your company is spread out over various sites, it can be helpful to visit the sites, and determine what aspects of the program will fit into each location. Some of the factors that you should consider are-
1. Are there conference rooms in your building that could be used for a health promotion activity? 2. Do you have the physical space needed at any particular location, if the turnout is extremely large, for any particular activity? 3. Could you schedule some activities in the cafeteria? 4. What kinds of support equipment (overhead projectors, TV's, DVD players etc.) are available, for a health promotions event? 5. Will we need to tailor the employee wellness program to function at one specific site? 6. What other special considerations should I keep in mind? For example-Will I need showers and changing rooms, for a fitness event? The bottom line is that you will need to adapt the program to the surroundings of a particular site. This will help insure that the program runs as smooth as possible.
  • Consider who will be participating in the employee wellness program-If you want the employee wellness program to be as successful as possible, you must take into account that each employee will have various interests, needs, and concerns, when it comes to participating. It can be helpful to ask the following questions-
1. What is the median age of the employees at the business? 2. What type of work do they employees do? (For example-blue or white collar, professional or service) 3. What health interests do the employees have? 4. How much time will they give the program and when are they most likely to do so? 5. Will the employees spend personal time on the program? 6. Will the employees be willing to invest financially in the program? Keep in mind that it is very unlikely that all employees in any business will choose to participate in an employee wellness program. The best programs will offer the most popular topics such as diet and nutrition, fitness and health screenings that are likely to draw the most employees.
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