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Tips for staying healthy while traveling

So you have planned the perfect vacation, got the time off and are headed off to your perfect vacation, only to arrive to find yourself sick.This scenario happens time and time again as many people eagerly plan their vacation, only to find themselves unable to enjoy it because they are ill. It is important to keep in mind that there is nothing that can totally guarantee you won't get sick, before or during your vacation.However, the good news is that by doing some planning and taking a few preventative steps before you go, you can reduce the chances of getting sick on your vacation. Here are some tips for staying healthy while traveling-

  • Do some research-Along with checking airline flights and hotel rates; take a minute to do a little research about where you are going. Certain locales are more prone to have a particular illness then others. If you know what you might be facing during your vacation, you will be able to prepare a little better. Remember that knowledge is power!
  • Get needed vaccinations-A flu shot is always a good idea if you are traveling during the flu season, however, any other recommended vaccines should be gotten as well. Remember that the people who live where you are vacationing might be immune to the local germs, but you won't be. While some international travel requires certain vaccinations, others are just suggestions. However, you should keep in mind that they are suggested for a reason.
  • Get plenty of sleep before you go-In the excitement and rush of packing, making sure someone will come and take care of the dog, the house. and a million other little things, you may not be getting enough sleep. This can only serve to weaken your immune system. It has been shown that those people who get less then 8 hours of sleep at night are more prone to getting sick. This means that if you reach your vacation destination, tired and exhausted you are much more susceptible to the new germs that await you there.
  • Take some preventative measures-Traveling can be a dirty business-literally. You should make sure that you carry plenty of hand sanitizers, wipes and other preventive items with you. This way when you find yourself on a plane, or in a less then satisfactory restroom, you can still clean up with having to touch too much. Remember that when you travel you are not only exposed to what might be in any particular location, but you are also exposed to germs many other people might have left behind.
  • Try to stick to a healthy routine-Many travelers abandon their healthy diets and exercise routines during vacation, only to find themselves ill for weeks when they return home. While no one is saying that you can't have fun, try to stick to some of your healthy lifestyle. Overindulging and foregoing all exercise will only open your immune system to attack. Try to choose healthy meals, with a few indulgences while you are on vacation and take advantage of a new locale to make your exercise routine even better. Besides how often do you get to run on a beach or ski the slopes during the rest of the year?
  • Be prepared-Sometimes the problem of getting sick on vacation becomes much bigger then it needs to. It can be helpful to prepare for the worst. Stocking a bag with anti-diarrhea, pain and cold medication can help you have something right at hand, the first minute you feel something coming on. While medicating your symptoms away is not always the best choice, it can help you enjoy your vacation, more should the worst happen.
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