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Treating bipolar disorders

Do you or a loved one suffer from bipolar? This can be one of the most frustrating disorders to work with as it requires more than just medication and therapy to treat however to sooner you get into your doctor and talk to them about bipolar disorder, the easier it will be for you to treat it and to limit your symptoms. With the right treatment you will be able to limit manic and also depressive episodes and it will allow you to function better.

Once you are diagnosed with bipolar, it is important to note that this is a lifelong disorder. It will have ups and downs but you have to get treatment before the manic and depression get worse and make it difficult for you to function. Even something like a traffic jam can cause you to get into a fit of depression or mania. When you experience mania you can become very hyperactive and often irresponsible at times. Depression on the other hand makes you become very down on yourself and even contemplate suicide. Depression makes it hard for you to function and even have the ability to get yourself out of bed.

In order to properly treat bipolar you need to get on medication but you must also look into other options. Patients that combine therapy and medication typically have the best outcome. You also need to change your lifestyle habits to include healthier eating choices but you also need daily exercise to help regulate the hormone levels in your body. You should also inform your family and friends about your condition so they can be aware of what they can do to help you if you do have a moment where you relapse into a fit of mania.

Treatment options can work but you must be patient. It takes time to find the medication that you respond to. Some people are able to start with a low dosage but may need to increase it in a couple of years as they find their symptoms are returning. You can become self-aware of bipolar triggers and to know what things may push you over the edge into a fit of mania or depression. Here are some of the things you can look into that may be able to help you treat your bipolar:

  • Understand behaviors that are deemed "not acceptable" by you. Some people react differently to stressful situations and other circumstances so you may find that the way you react isn't tied to your bipolar it's actually your true self.Your doctor will speak to you about the behaviors that seem uncommon so you can focus on changing these behaviors when you notice triggers that occur.

  • Always sleep for at least 8-10 hours a day. Try to get into a regular sleep routine.

  • Avoid alcohol, drugs, and caffeine as they can all be used as stimulants and can cause you to have fits of mania.

In order for a doctor to come up with the proper treatment method for bipolar disorder they need to know what your symptoms are and they must examine your history with mania and depression. Here are the 3 types of bipolar disorder and their treatment options:

  1. Bipolar I Disorder - this is when you have mania and depression. Most people who are diagnosed with this stage of bipolar are the most severe patients. It is very common to have at least 1 deep depression episode where you may have contemplated suicide. It is also quite common to have multiple mania episodes where you often make reckless decisions and unconscious decisions.

  2. Bipolar II Disorder - this is a mix of hypomania and depression. You may have recurring episodes of depression but you have hypomania, which is more concerning than mania. You can make multiple reckless decisions and may find yourself feeling extremely "high" and then suddenly crashing into a fit of depression.

  3. Cyclothymia - like the other bipolar disorders you will have depression and mania. With this one you end up with mild depression and hypomania. Out of the 3, it is the most mild case of bipolar disorder. Your doctor will examine you for 2 years and track all the depression and hypomania episodes in order to decide which stage you have and if this is truly bipolar.

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