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What vitamins are essential to health?

We all need to be sure we are getting plenty of vitamins into our bodies each day in order to have healthier bodies. Our bodies have many vitamins that are essential to proper functioning and to reduce our risk of infections and other things. What are the essential vitamins we need in order to stay healthy and to reduce our risk of getting headcolds and other things? Here is a list of the many essential vitamins we need to function properly:

Essential Vitamins
Vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, and K are all essential vitamins along with folic acid. To be sure you are getting the right amount of vitamins in your diet you may want to consider taking a daily multivitamin in order to get the basic amount you need and then the foods you eat will ensure you are getting the proper amount of other vitamins your body needs. How do these various essential vitamins impact our bodies? Here are a few tips you need to remember with Vitamins:

  • Vitamin A is needed for our immune system along with the improvement of eyesight. You can get this vitamin from carrots, liver, eggs, and kidney.

  • B complex allows your body to have energy and to reduce fatigue. You can find foods with B vitamins in red meat, brown rice, several types of berries, milk, and eggs.

  • Vitamin C is necessary for the immune system. You can find great sources with orange juice, oranges, broccoli, and many citrus fruits.

  • Vitamin D is needed for proper bone development and formation. It helps calcium to properly absorb into the body.

  • Vitamin E is a great way to protect our cells from damage. It also aids in proper blood circulation and healing wounds. Almonds, peanuts, and wheat germ oil all include Vitamin E.

  • Vitamin K is needed to help with blood coagulation. Broccoli, spinach, meat, and eggs all include Vitamin K.

It is important to speak to your doctor about your diet to see if you are getting plenty of vitamins in your diet. They can make suggestions on you can improve your diet to include more of the essential vitamins you need for your body to stay healthy.

What happens to the body without Vitamins?
What happens if you aren't getting plenty of vitamins in your diet? There are many side effects that can occur such as dry hair and skin, swelling of the lips, irritability and several other problems. Without the vitamins to help build up your immune system and strengthen your body it can leave you vulnerable to colds and many viruses. This is why so many doctors recommend increasing your intake of Vitamin C if you are ill or starting to experience the first symptoms of a cold.

Anyone that isn't consuming the proper amount of vitamins may feel sick or their body may experience random aches and pains, causing them to visit the doctor more often. With the lack of essential vitamins in the diet, it can lead to serious problems like improper blood clotting, which can make your bleed to death from a cut and infection.

How to get essential vitamins
When it comes to your diet, you need to start reading your labels and planning your meals. This is one of the best ways to ensure you are getting the essential vitamins in your diet. You might find that changing your cooking oil will allow you to get some Vitamin K in your diet and will decrease the fat content in your meals as well. By taking the time to plan your meals, you will ensure that you are able to get in the proper balance of vitamins and other essential nutrients.

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