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Reasons why you're not losing weight

So you have cut calories and are heading to the gym everyday, and yet you still can't lose weight? Well, welcome to the club!There are many people who find themselves in the very same situation. The reality is that many people assume that if they are cutting calories and exercising there is no reason that they shouldn't be losing weight, however, there are actually several factors that may still be affecting your weight. Here are some reasons why you're not losing weight and what you can do about them-

  • You're not exercising enough-Studies have shown that most people seriously overestimate how many calories they burn, while they are exercising. The reality is that a brisk 30-45 walk is only going to burn between 100-200 calories. This means that you will need to up your intensity if you expect burn serious calories while you are exercising. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that non-weight bearing exercises such as: swimming or cycling have less gravitational stress on your muscles, which means that fewer calories are burned. For some serious caloric burn you may want to add weight bearing exercises into your workout routine.
  • You're not sleeping enough-Sleep is the body's way of regulating many of the hormones that affect weight gain and loss. If you are not getting enough sleep, your body may be unsure of what you are trying to do. Recent studies have shown that people, who get at least 8 hours of sleep every night, are far more successful in weight loss, then people who sleep less. In addition, keep in mind that staying up late often leads to nighttime snacking, which can sabotage your weight loss efforts as well.
  • You're to stressed-It has been shown that there is a direct link between stress and weight gain. For some still unknown reason women seem to be more affected by this then men are. Worse yet, stress tends to lead to poor sleep patterns, mindless eating and yes, more stress. It is important that if you are going to lose weight, that you breaks this vicious cycle.
  • You're not eating at every meal-While you may think that skipping meals cuts down on calories and will lead to weight loss, you may be surprised to learn that the opposite is true. If you consistently skip meals, your body will begin the fat storage procedure after only 72 hours of not eating consistently. This means that no matter how good you are eating; your body will be storing every available ounce of fat, for energy. The best way to control your diet, and burn calories, is to eat. Best of all if you make low calorie healthy choices, you can eat larger portions.
  • You're drinking too many of your calories-Your body does not have a regulatory system to tell you when you have drank to many calories. Unlike when you eat real food, and feel full, your body will simply allow you to go on drinking your calories. This can add up quickly. Full sugar sodas, flavored and sweetened milks and coffees all pack significant calories. You can be making the best dietary choices possible, but if these make an up a significant portion of your diet, it is unlikely that you will lose weight. Switch to water, low fat milk and sugar free juices, to help you stay hydrated without adding up the calories.
  • You're impatient-One of the reasons that you may have not lost weight, is that you haven't given it enough time. Weight loss is best done and most permanent when it is a slow process. Give your body the time to adjust to your new lifestyle and you will eventually see the results that you really want.
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