business articles

August 31, 2004

How to Easily Create a Search-Engine Friendly Navigation Menu For Your Website

Keywords: Server Side Includes

A navigation menu is an important element of a website.

A good navigation menu helps your visitors navigate through your website efficiently - in as few mouse-clicks as possible.

You can think of a website navigation menu like the "Table of Contents" of a book.

And the greater the number of web pages on your website, the more important the role of a website navigation menu.

Another important benefit of a navigation menu is it optimizes the internal linking structure of your website and allows the navigation menu links to rank better in search engines, since all web pages will be pointing to it.

(For example, if your website has 1000 web pages, each navigation menu link will have 1000 web pages pointing to it. This will result in the navigation menu links ranking higher than the other web pages)

Here's how you can use this knowledge to improve the search-engine rankings of selected web pages - Simply include the selected web pages as links in the navigation menu and you'll automatically have the rest of the web pages pointing to them.

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Posted by Angie at 10:45 AM

How to Create a GREAT Web Site

Keywords: Websites

Do you have a web site that hasn't been touched in years? Or have you avoided the Internet bandwagon all together? Well, it's time to hop aboard again - or for the first time. Here's why:

1) Audience:. Young adults and teens spend more time on the Internet than they do watching TV. Also, they're more likely to use the Internet than the Yellow Pages to find a product or service.. Engineers and other business people use the Internet as a key information source when researching a product or service. If either group is part of your target, you need to be on the Internet.

2) Availability: A web site is available 24/7, so your information is there whenever your prospect wants it.

3) Cost-effective: Creating and maintaining a web site is relatively low cost.

To create a web site, start with the basics.

1) CONTENT -- A great web site will include:

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Posted by Angie at 10:29 AM

August 30, 2004

How To Be A Web Content Provider!

Keywords: Web Content

Would you be happy with reaching literally millions of people by being a web content provider. Whatever you're selling, it would be nice if you could do this on a regular basis, FOR FREE, through a large number of other people's ezines and websites, wouldn't it?

Well this is what you can be doing when you start writing content and articles for the countless online newsletters, ezines and webpages that are looking for your input. One thing common to all Internet publishers is that they are all looking for good articles to publish.

If you can be a content provider of interesting and informative articles for them you stand a good chance of getting included in their website/next publication. However you probably won't get included if it is simply a sales letter disguised as an article. But if you can provide good quality and informative web content you can often be their savior.

Continue reading "How To Be A Web Content Provider!"
Posted by Angie at 11:56 AM

August 27, 2004

Why Google Adwords Will Keep You Young

Keywords: Google Adwords

It's funny. When I was a kid, adults often talked about getting older. At the time, I thought it was a normal. When you become an adult, you complain about growing older.

Now that I am an adult, I realize that I wasn't entirely correct. Yes, many adults still complain about geting older, but the truth of the statement isn't in age, it's in regret. Really, we wish we'd done things differently.

After that realization, why don't we do things differently? It's because we don't take things one step at a time.

Now, how does this fit into building or creating your Internet business(I-biz)? The answer is: don't bite off more than you can chew. Along those lines, if you're just starting out or can't seem to get your I-biz going, take a look at Google Adwords.

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Posted by Angie at 12:10 PM

Get Your RSS Feed Listed Within Hours at Yahoo in 5 Simple Steps

Keywords: RSS Feeds

Let's be honest. There's three types of people in the world.

* Yahoos
* Googlers
* People who are neither, or both.

I've been lurking in forums, and I realized something -they seem to be a lot saner than me. But then, almost everyone is.

I've been a Google gal for a while. There. I said it. And why not? Google has been good to me.

Yahoo finally has me convinced that they are at minimum, the top contender for the title of heavyweight search engine champion of the world. I now take them very seriously for many reasons.

( I won't bore you with all of them here - though if you'd like to be bored, see the on-going updates-: - or if you're new to RSS and don't get how it can help your marketing, join our discussion - .)

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Posted by Angie at 12:06 PM

August 26, 2004

Ebiz Whiz

Keywords: Internet Businesses

Business continues to grow on the Internet at a rapid pace. There is an abundance of products and services to be enjoyed, and one can find most anything on the WWW.

Unfortunately being a new frontier, there are also many dangers and scam artists who would rob you of your pleasant experiences. As a result you are bound to come across some inconsiderate service, a product of poor quality or worse still some unscrupulous business practices.

What steps can you take in preventing this from happening and how can you warn others. Are there places on the Internet that you can go to and file a complaint? Yes. Just as with offline businesses you can file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Do this online at: There is also the Better Business Bureau Online organization at:

Continue reading "Ebiz Whiz"
Posted by Angie at 12:29 PM

August 25, 2004

What Are RSS Feeds

Keywords: RSS Feeds

What Are RSS Feeds?

RSS Feeds RSS also known as rich site summary or real simply syndication, arrived on the scene a number of years ago, but was only recently embraced by webmasters as a means to effectively syndicate content. RSS Feeds provide webmasters and content providers an avenue to provide concise summaries to prospective readers. Thousands of commercial web sites and blogs now publish content summaries in an RSS feed. Each item in the feed typically contains a headline; article summary and link back to the online article.

Benefit to the Webmaster As the web has become more crowded webmasters have been striving to provide fresh and up to date content for their website visitors. Many webmasters have discovered they can easily utilize the information in RSS feeds to provide fresh web content.

RSS feeds are composed in XML, which is a very simple markup language. Similar to HTML, XML uses tags to identify fields. Webmasters can easily parse the RSS feed and dynamically create web pages that contain headlines and summaries. The feeds will continuously update, supplying a steady stream of automatically generated fresh content.

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Posted by Angie at 12:32 PM

August 24, 2004

Understanding Google AdWords

Keywords: Google Adword

Google AdWords Unlike many search engines Google, to its credit, clearly denotes search listings that are paid placement. In fact, Google AdWords appear in a separate section down the left side of the screen.

Google AdWords provide an inexpensive advertising venue for businesses to advertise products or services to a targeted audience. Advertisers have the ability to control their budget, target their advertising based on keywords. Advertisers are also free to determine the ad contents.

Google AdWords allow for nearly instant traffic, which can be turned on and off. Traffic results can be measured, providing information on what is successful, what isn't and what needs to be changed. AdWords can be found that work by running a test campaign.

Benefits to AdWords Advertisers bid on keywords, the more an advertiser is willing to pay the higher the likelihood the ad will appear higher in position in the list of ads served. Google, invariably wanting to make the most from advertisers, determines placement based on a combination of click through rate, bid amount and budget. Of course, in order to maximize revenue and please searchers Google does have guidelines for ads served and all ads must receive a minimum percentage click through or they are removed.

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Posted by Angie at 04:37 PM

Publishers' Top Web Site Blunders

Keywords: Websites

If you publish books, then it's tempting to lead put those books front and center when structuring your web site. However, if your company has a theme connecting the books you publish, you'll attract more traffic and sell more if you create an informational site on that theme that also sells books rather than a blatant sales site.

Why do I say this, given that few publishers create their web sites around this principle? Understand that most of a publisher's potential book buyers are not on the Internet in search of a book. They are hunting for information. If they are consciously looking for a book, they would search at Amazon or another online bookstore rather than do a general web search.

And if they're looking for information on, let's say, cat diseases and they get to your site and see that you are selling books, they may immediately back out and click to the next site that might have some free information about cat diseases. But if they get to your site and see that you're a portal for information on cats, they will probably stick around long enough to understand that what they really need to do to get the best answers to their questions is to buy one of your cat health books.

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Posted by Angie at 04:21 PM

Five Tips to Become a Soundbite Genius

Keywords: Management

1. Speak in soundbites to everyone.

Getting key phrases for concepts and ideas across clearly is central to all communication. As a fun practice try to shave off any extraneous details during conversation in your everyday life. In Errol Morris' film *Fog of War* former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara said, *Never answer the question that is asked. Answer the question you wish were asked.* Begin to train yourself to speak only what you want others to hear. In this way you'll be shaping other's perception of you-which is the essence of good media.

2. Answer the first interview question with your sermonette.

In a 1989 interview on the NPR show Fresh Air veteran TV journalist David Brinkley said, *Everyone of them [his guests] will arrive in the studio with some little sermonette in mind, and determined to deliver it. So one thing I do is first ask them a dull, boring question like, what do you think about this. And let them deliver their little sermonette. And then we get to the hard core of what we're there to talk about.* Your first and last points have the most impact so plan and deliver your sermonettes no matter what you're asked.

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Posted by Angie at 04:15 PM
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