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Employee fitness and exercise

exerciseball23227551.jpgCorporate Fitness programs are making their way into the workforce. A well-designed Corporate Fitness program should include an opportunity and incentives for employees to stay fit. They also help employees improve their stamina, which increases productivity, employee morale, and health.

Losses of $32 billion per year are related to premature illness associated with cardiovascular disease - high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and obesity. Every year billions of dollars in productivity are lost as a result of employee sickness and disability. The average annual healthcare cost per person in the U.S. is more than $3,000. Preventable illness makes up approximately 70% of the total costs of illness. Because many of these costs are directly linked to health habits, employers can take aggressive action toward containing costs by implementing corporate fitness programs.
A company investment of $100-$150 per employee each year to participate in an employee wellness program can save companies $300 to $450 for each employee every year, according to some surveys.

A successful workplace wellness program starts with company leaders. Business owners should lead by example, taking part in their company's corporate fitness program and working closely with a wellness coach. Company leaders should make sure employees are well aware of their wellness efforts, posting weight loss results or smoking cessation results on company intranet or bulletin boards for everyone to see. Results may take a while to actualize, but over time not only will you see your bottom line change, you'll see changes such as:

  • A reduction in employee absenteeism

  • Lower turn over rates among staff

  • Increased morale in the office

  • Increased productivity, focus and creativity

  • Lowered health care costs and workman's compensation claims

  • Starting to appeal to top talent in your industry as your new positive image takes hold in the community.

  • Better educated employees making healthier choices for their lives and their families.

Just thirty minutes of regular, moderate intensity physical activity, 3 to 5 times a week results in positive effects on cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory and endocrine systems. There are some fun and simple exercises you can complete at work like:
  • Use an exercise ball instead of your chair to help strengthen back and stomach muscles and increase posture.

  • Stand up, stretch and move every hour, even if it's just a quick walk through the office. When you sit for too long, the blood pools in your legs and you are more prone to blood clots and leg fatigue.

  • Use a pedometer to track your daily walking steps. Aim for 10,000 steps per day to see an increase in your physical health.

  • Take the stairs rather than the elevator.

The results of exercise 3-5 times a week can be instrumental in decreasing problems related to heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression and anxiety as well as helping to control weight.

Target specific health-related concerns in a corporate fitness program. Information about how to fight obesity, smoking, alcoholism and drug abuse should be at the forefront of an employee wellness program, along with related conditions.

Hire a wellness coach to instruct employees on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Reward employees for participating in company wellness plans. Let employees accrue health and wellness points that they can redeem for prizes. Make the prizes healthy, too- a free massage, private training session with the company's wellness coach, a day off work, cash compensation, a free expense paid vacation, or health food gift certificate encourages even healthier lifestyle choices. Acknowledge employee health and wellness leaders in company newsletters, in posted bulletins and on the company intranet.

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