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Reasons why you are gaining weight

If you are faithfully going to the gym and eating a low calorie, healthy diet, you may be frustrated that you are still gaining weight. While poor exercise and eating habits can easily be identified, sometimes there are other factors that are contributing to gaining and not losing weight. If you are exercising regularly and eating a proper diet, and still cannot lose weight, there may be other factors to consider. The good news is that while there are things that can contribute to this problem, most of them, will resolve with treatment, and allow you to lose weight. It is advised that if you suspect that you have any of the problems, listed below, that you seek the advice of your doctor immediately. Here are some reasons why you are gaining weight.

  • Endocrine disorders-This is perhaps one of the most common problems that leads to weight gain. Most of the time the patient will have an underactive thyroid known as hypothyroidism. This can really upset your body chemistry. It is estimated that almost 25 million Americans have this problem, however, only about 1/3 of them are being treated correctly, for this condition. However, the good news is that this can be diagnosed with a simple blood test. If the test indicates that you have this problem, a sing daily pill can control. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism include: feeling tired and weak, dry skin and hair, hair loss, cold intolerance, depression and decreased libido.Another common endocrine disorder is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). This condition can also cause weight gain because there is excess glucose in the bloodstream of the patient. Symptoms of PCOS include: menstrual disturbances, insulin resistance, oily skin, dandruff, infertility, and high cholesterol.
  • Depression-This problem leads to weight gain because serotonin (the chemical in the brain that regulates appetite and mood) is reduced when a person is depressed. Depression also becomes part of a vicious cycle since it can cause a lack of motivation to exercise, which then makes the depression worse, which then lower motivation etc. Symptoms of depression include: loss in everyday activities, aches and pains, with no physical cause, loss of hope, feelings of irritability and restlessness.
  • Not enough sleep-If you are not getting enough sleep, it can disrupt the normal hormone cycle of body. This will then increase your appetite, which can then have you making poor nutritional choices. Studies have shown that when someone does not get enough sleep, they will develop insulin resistance, which can lead to craving sugar. Symptoms of sleep deprivation include: tossing and turning all night, feelings of exhaustion that won't go away and being unable to focus during the day.
  • Medications-There are certain medications that can lead to you gaining weight. Some of the most common medications that do this are: diabetes meds, birth control pills (including Depo-Provera shots) and anti-depressants. However, it should be noted that often times if patients are gaining weight while on anti- depressants; it is much more likely that it is due to the depression itself, rather then the medication. Symptoms of medication weight gain include: It varies from medication to medication. The best thing to do is to talk to your health care professional about any possible side effects when you start a medication.
  • Stress-Increased levels of the hormone cortisol have been linked to excess belly fat in women. And stress has been linked directly to the body's production of cortisol. This happens because the adrenal gland handles all of the stress. When there is too much stress, the adrenal gland produces elevated cortisol, followed by a fast reduction in cortisol. Both of these situations can cause weight gain. Managing your stress can help both your overall health and weight loss management.
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