business articles

January 27, 2005

Getting Started in Home Business

Keywords: Starting a Home Business

If you're like most people, it's hard to make ends meet with just one income. If you are married, both partners must work, spending countless thousands of dollars on childcare and business clothes. To offset their monetary deficit, many people are looking into getting started in their own home business. Both full-time and part-time home businesses can be operated from the comfort of your own home.

Some people are making extra money to pay for extras, while others have turned their home business into a primary source of income. Some people use their home business as a diversion, to have fun and earn a little "pocket money." The important thing is that they are taking positive action, rather than waiting for a financial disaster. They are setting the stage to improve their lives - something you can do too.

Multi-level marketing, mail order businesses and other in-home businesses are very popular. If this way of earning extra income appeals to you, by all means check out the possibilities. These are not the only ways you can operate from home. There are many ways of getting started in your own home business that you should investigate.

Some other ways of getting started in your own home business include on-line businesses such as a typing service, ghost writing for others, creating ad copy, dating services, credit counselling service, producing how-to DVD's or videos on various topics, preparing resumes, etc. In reality, the options for getting started in your own home business are almost unlimited.

Continue reading "Getting Started in Home Business"
Posted by Angie at 11:43 PM

Benefits of Article Writing for Your Home Business

Keywords: Writing Articles

Once you learn the benefits of article writing, you may want to open a home business based on your writing skills. The road to riches may be yours when you identify the basic elements required for writing top-notch articles, reports and other written material. When you have all the elements in place, you can produce page after page of written articles that will stand out and help you and your clients achieve their goals. If you are writing for someone else your goal is to produce clear, concise saleable material that will please your clients and of course, make money for you.

Anyone can learn to write saleable material on just about any subject, providing the person has personal knowledge of the subject matter or knows how to thoroughly research the subject, or both. The list of topics you may be required to write about is endless. Producing your articles is very easy and simple, but it may take longer and require more research for some individuals to produce a completed, saleable product than it will take others. A good command of the proper use of words and a basic knowledge of punctuation and grammar is a must.

Your written material should sound as if you are talking to someone in person. Keep in mind that you must convey your message, instructions or meanings through your writing, because the reader cannot see your facial expressions, your body language or hear the tone of your voice. This is why it is so important to use proper grammar and punctuation. Write your articles in a clear, factual, concise style. Keep in mind the type of audience you are writing for and confine your writing to words the reader will relate to and understand.

Continue reading "Benefits of Article Writing for Your Home Business"
Posted by Angie at 11:38 PM

January 26, 2005

A Home Business Mentor Can Help You Earn Big Bucks

Keywords: Mentors

A mentor does not buy, sell or negotiate. A mentor provides a service. In essence, mentoring is simply helping someone else play their cards right and become successful in their home business or other endeavour.

Thus defined, mentoring has been a business practice for a long time. Recent estimates indicate that a large majority of successful people have used a mentor as a standard business practice. Mentors choose to help others reach their goals for various reasons, the most common reason being to gain support and help for their own projects and from a true desire to assist others. After all, what good is information if you don't share it with someone who needs a mentor?

Many mentors help a peer or friend move up the ladder in order to achieve personal satisfaction and develop friendships. Also, you've probably experienced a friend saying, "I helped you, and now I need help too..." Basically, being or having a mentor is an exchange of services and friendship.

One reason mentoring is popular, especially in today's economy, is that it provides free training that normally would be provided at special training classes costing a lot of money. Mentors willingly provide this service, as it is simply the bottom line method of training with little or no cash. In times of little or no cash flow, mentoring is a highly desirable commodity, and mentoring is becoming even more widespread. Mentoring offers a way to hold onto cash while continuing to get advice and training.

Continue reading "A Home Business Mentor Can Help You Earn Big Bucks"
Posted by Angie at 09:55 PM

Perserverance for Home Business Success

Keywords: Success Motivation

What is required to be successful in your home business? Before we can answer, you must understand what "success" means and what common characteristics successful people have. If you are reading this article, you probably want to be successful and possess a strong sense of perseverance which will pay off in achieving your dreams. The truth is that only a small percentage of people will ever achieve their full potential, and those who do are the ones who persevere toward their goals.

Success isn't something you chase. It's something you have to put forth the effort for constantly. Then maybe it'll come when you least expect it. Most people don't understand that. -- Michael Jordan

Success is generally looked upon as achieving favorable results and gaining wealth and/or fame, but you must realize that success is different for each individual. For some, a yearly income of a few thousand dollars would be a success, but for another individual it may be several hundred thousand dollars. Whatever your definition of success is, there are several personal characteristics that are common denominators among successful people.

Goals are an important factor in realizing success. Without goals that are realistic, how can you know when your success level has been reached? Successful people set goals for their home business, and perseverance of these goals pays off. Goals should be specific, realistic, measurable, time related and attainable. Your goals can be changed as often as necessary until you reach your ultimate goal, and it will happen if you persevere. Completing your tasks one at a time and then moving on makes the task easier and you can see immediate results.

Continue reading "Perserverance for Home Business Success"
Posted by Angie at 09:54 PM

January 25, 2005

Visualize Your Way to Home Business Success

Keywords: Success with Visualization

The power of visualisation is a skill which is often neglected by people who run their own home business.

Visualisation or guided imagery is a very powerful technique that can help increase both your efficiency and effectiveness in achieving your home business goals.

"You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature." --Les Brown--

All top class athletes utilise visualisation to mentally rehearse what they have to do and how they are going to achieve it. By doing this they train their minds and bodies to actually perform the skill as effectively and efficiently as possible.

For example, Justin Gatlin who is now the 2004 Olympic 100 m champion will have visualised every stage and every step of that 100 m final, hundreds if not thousands of times before he even stepped out on to the track for the final.

When you begin to use visualisation techniques, you want to mentally create a vivid scene in you mind of your wanted outcome. You want this scene to be as detailed and clear as possible, you need to be able to see, feel and smell your success.

Continue reading "Visualize Your Way to Home Business Success"
Posted by Angie at 11:18 PM

Powerful Considerations Before Starting Your Own Business

Keywords: Business Essentials

What does it take to start your own business? To many, the thought of starting your own business may be too daunting that you give up before you even start. Let's analyze what a typical start-up needs:

Start-up Capital

There is no secret that money talks the loudest of all. As a future entrepreneur, you may well know the fact that capital is perhaps the most essential part of setting up a business, both online and offline. Lack of start-up capital not only puts your business at a disadvantage, it also makes cash flow a serious issue. Over time, it also makes it difficult for you to expand your business.

The good side is that start-up capital in the form of small business loans are readily available at most commercial banks around your country. As long as you have a good credit rating, getting small loans should not be much of a problem. One important thing to remember here is to never borrow more than what you need to get started.

You loan amount need only cover for the basic necessities of business. Start your business small and control your finances daily, monitoring everything you spend on and trying to cut costs where ever possible. When your business cash flow starts working in your favor, you are ready to safely take out another business loan for expansion of business activities.

Continue reading "Powerful Considerations Before Starting Your Own Business"
Posted by Angie at 12:19 AM

January 22, 2005

How To Save BIG In Your Online Business

Keywords: Online Business

When you're first starting an online business, it can be a struggle finding the money to invest in the things that will grow your business most. Only later do you discover things all the guru's know that could have saved you a small fortune. Here are a few things that will help you save on Internet marketing business necessities.

In order to be in business on the Internet you DO need a website. Hosting that website doesn't need to cost you an arm and a leg. Here are two ways to save:

1) Don't register your domain through your web host. Instead go to a discount registrar. Your web host will charge you up to $40 or more (per year) just to conveniently handle your domain name registration. You can register or renew your domain name yourself for as little as $8 per year. I've set up a service for my subscribers and clients to do just that at:
How am I able to offer you such a bargain? I have a domain name reseller account at Wild West Domains. For around $100 per year, practically anyone can become a domain name reseller. You are charged a wholesale price for domain name registrations (and other services offered on my site above). You decide how much you want to mark up your prices above that. I have practically no markup because I enjoy helping beginners get off to a good start. I know that you'll be back for other products and services that I offer - after you're a big success :-)

Continue reading "How To Save BIG In Your Online Business"
Posted by Angie at 06:07 PM

January 20, 2005

Entrepreneur 101: 7 Powerful Business Secrets

Keywords: Entrepreneurs

Let's blow away all the chaff. All of it. Whooosh! Gone. What's left? Here are seven business nuggets for you to ponder. Whether you're seeing them for the first time or the hundredth time, they're just as powerful. Put a check mark next to any you've mastered and move on to the next.

1. You're in a particular business. Right? Wrong. Actually, you're in the business of marketing your business. Now, you and I know you've got a great product AND great service. But great marketing will beat an otherwise great business any time. We all need to put them together. Great marketing and great business. Now you're unstoppable!

2. Speaking of marketing. You must become an expert on marketing your business to your market. Don't delegate this one, absolutely essential task. I've tried and failed. Only you have the drive, passion and ambition to do it right. Marketing is hard, but ignore it at your own peril!

Continue reading "Entrepreneur 101: 7 Powerful Business Secrets"
Posted by Angie at 11:33 PM

January 19, 2005

10 Hiring Tips for Small Business Owners

Keywords: Hiring

As a successful small business owner,you're accustomed to long hours; non-existent holidays and weekends spent working.

When was the last time you went to your dentist? When was the last time you had an uninterrupted night out with your partner?

Whether your goal for 2005 is to find more time for family or personal enrichment --like attending classes and conferences -- you'll want to consider bringing on some help.

The following tips can help you get started whether you want to bring on a team of 10 or an occasional backup!

Don't expect to hire a replica of you! Each person you meet and interview will be a living, breathing human, with their own habits, mannerisms and even ideas! This is fine - -as long as their ideas and habits are not philosophically opposed to yours. My first hire, Jen, was pursuing a graduate degree, had just moved to the area and is nearly 20 years younger than I am! She's detail-oriented and relies on schedules to get things done. I'm a bit more 'seat of my pants' type of operator. She's a perfect fit because she complements my way of working! Over time she's grown into managing portions of my business that I neglected - like maintaining scheduling and billing.

Continue reading "10 Hiring Tips for Small Business Owners"
Posted by Angie at 11:37 PM

January 06, 2005

Ever Dream of Your Own Home Business?

Keywords: Starting a Home Business

Do you ever dream of owning your own home based business? You know the dream; work on your hours, in your pajamas, sweats or what ever!

We have seen the countless ads, emails, websites, etc. on how to make big bucks right from your home.

So how do you tell the legitimate home based businesses from the get rich quick schemes?

Well hopefully this article will help you out a bit as I have been there done that with a home based business

Yes I have tried a bunch of different home based businesses, only to be disappointed at the outcome, and of course being a little bit lighter in the wallet.

The light bulb in my head finally went off after I heard a news report on my local news about Home based or work from home business offers. The report was if you have to pay a fee to join, it is most likely a scam!

Well after I heard that, I said to myself "that makes sense! Why would you have to pay to go to work?" It is the same theory when you went and looked for work in the work place.

Continue reading "Ever Dream of Your Own Home Business?"
Posted by Angie at 10:59 AM

Three Big Mistakes that Cost You, and Your One Person Business, Big Money!

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Mistakes

Most one-person businesses don't flounder because their products or services are below par. They struggle because their owner's lack of business skills or business practices gets in the way of being profitable.

Are you making these big mistakes?

1. You don't tell people what you do in a way that helps them buy. People buy when they understand what they get, what problem you'll solve for them, how you'll stop their pain, or increase their pleasure. Focusing on what you'll do, where you went to school, what steps you'll take, how hard you'll work for them, won't get you sales. Letting them know what pain you'll take away, what pleasure you'll bring, how they'll feel better, be better, when you're finished will go much further in getting to yes. Sell the sizzle, what your prospect can see, feel, and experience, not the steak, the steps you'll go through, how long you trained, the effort you'll put in.

Your bottom line will thank you...and so will your satisfied customers and clients.

2. You don't know your leads to sales you consistently miss making the money you want and need to make. Knowing your ratio helps you understand what you need to do to get more sales.

Continue reading "Three Big Mistakes that Cost You, and Your One Person Business, Big Money!"
Posted by Angie at 10:40 AM

January 05, 2005

Top 10 Steps to Build Your Professional Practice Now!

Keywords: Renewing Business

1. Examine everything in your office from the view of a new client! If necessary, spruce it up. Does it need new plants, better music or an aquarium? Make it as warm, comfortable and inviting as possible.

2. Replace old magazines in your waiting area with articles and handouts your clients will use and take with them. Make it easy for clients to say good things about you!

3. Contact 3 former clients to see how they are doing.

4. Contact 3 recent referral sources and thank them! Send flowers, a card, take them to lunch. Even a phone call expressing your appreciation can do wonders.

5. Consider re-doing your business card. Does it "talk" to clients and referral sources?

6. Buy a year-at-a-glance wall calendar and begin planning your marketing and business strategies for next year.

Continue reading "Top 10 Steps to Build Your Professional Practice Now!"
Posted by Angie at 02:27 PM

A Home Business Mentor Can Help You Earn Big Bucks

Keywords: Mentors

A mentor does not buy, sell or negotiate. A mentor provides a service. In essence, mentoring is simply helping someone else play their cards right and become successful in their home business or other endeavour.

Thus defined, mentoring has been a business practice for a long time. Recent estimates indicate that a large majority of successful people have used a mentor as a standard business practice. Mentors choose to help others reach their goals for various reasons, the most common reason being to gain support and help for their own projects and from a true desire to assist others. After all, what good is information if you don't share it with someone who needs a mentor?

Many mentors help a peer or friend move up the ladder in order to achieve personal satisfaction and develop friendships. Also, you've probably experienced a friend saying, "I helped you, and now I need help too..." Basically, being or having a mentor is an exchange of services and friendship.

One reason mentoring is popular, especially in today's economy, is that it provides free training that normally would be provided at special training classes costing a lot of money. Mentors willingly provide this service, as it is simply the bottom line method of training with little or no cash. In times of little or no cash flow, mentoring is a highly desirable commodity, and mentoring is becoming even more widespread. Mentoring offers a way to hold onto cash while continuing to get advice and training.

Continue reading "A Home Business Mentor Can Help You Earn Big Bucks"
Posted by Angie at 01:56 PM

Setting Up An Email Account in Outlook Express

Keywords: Online Business Email

A long time back (OK, two years ago) I started my web hosting business. Someone talked me into it, to be frank. Someone who himself wanted to recruit me as a reseller so that I could pay him monthly to sell his web hosting service (very smart of him, very dumb of me!). The idea was to provide very cheap custom hosting packages so that people who were till them hesitant about hosting their own websites would be ready to host them just because the hosting cost was so damn low. As is the fate of such low-cost-oriented ventures, I incurred a huge loss and gained a serpentine list of customers who couldn't differentiate between a Word document and a web page and who perhaps went to extra lengths to hire dumb secretaries.

Anyway, I winded up the business in six months before it could drive me to bankruptcy (and lunacy) and transferred the existing clients to other servers paying from my own pocket. Some of those customers still think I'm supposed to solve their problems, not only regarding their websites, but also when they cannot set up their email accounts in Outlook Express. Fortunately my phone numbers have changed since then so I'm out of their reach but there are some that keep coming back like the phantoms of an inexorable past.

Continue reading "Setting Up An Email Account in Outlook Express"
Posted by Angie at 01:53 PM

January 04, 2005

It's Not Brain Surgery, It's Just An Online Home Based Business

Keywords: Online Home Business

Back when I first started my online home business I didn't have a clue concerning how to go about it. I had never done any Internet marketing, and didn't know anything about websites or search engines or any of that other online business short, I was a complete rookie. In retrospect, the two major things that really helped me was that I refused to be intimidated and I kept a realistic perspective (both in terms of initial financial results and the time frame necessary to become successful).

I know from my own years of experience that relatively few business ventures are started on the Internet by people with the experience, motivation, determination, backing, and support that it takes to even have a reasonable chance of success.

Real online business people are those who work hard, who immerse themselves deeply in marketing and advertising, and who put in long hours in the beginning in order to see their Internet-based businesses succeed.

Achieving success in an online business is not difficult to comprehend. There is indeed a learning curve, but it's not brain surgery. The process of learning isn't as much the issue as are the personal traits of motivation and determination.

Continue reading "It's Not Brain Surgery, It's Just An Online Home Based Business"
Posted by Angie at 09:36 AM

January 03, 2005

Powerful Considerations Before Starting Your Own Business

Keywords: Starting a Business

What does it take to start your own business? To many, the thought of starting your own business may be too daunting that you give up before you even start. Let's analyze what a typical start-up needs:

Start-up Capital

There is no secret that money talks the loudest of all. As a future entrepreneur, you may well know the fact that capital is perhaps the most essential part of setting up a business, both online and offline. Lack of start-up capital not only puts your business at a disadvantage, it also makes cash flow a serious issue. Over time, it also makes it difficult for you to expand your business.

The good side is that start-up capital in the form of small business loans are readily available at most commercial banks around your country. As long as you have a good credit rating, getting small loans should not be much of a problem. One important thing to remember here is to never borrow more than what you need to get started.

You loan amount need only cover for the basic necessities of business. Start your business small and control your finances daily, monitoring everything you spend on and trying to cut costs where ever possible. When your business cash flow starts working in your favor, you are ready to safely take out another business loan for expansion of business activities.

Continue reading "Powerful Considerations Before Starting Your Own Business"
Posted by Angie at 12:26 PM

How to Make Advertising Dividends Pay Off...Big Time

Keywords: Advertising

McGraw Hill once commissioned an extensive study to determine what marketing weapons make a company famous in it’s market or community.

The study went on to show that advertising created more product, service, or brand awareness than all other marketing weapons combined.

The fact is, we know that Coke is “The Real Thing” because Coke advertises, not because it has good salespeople or does great direct mail.

Advertising stays in front of your prospects when you can’t be there. While a handful of salespeople can only be in front of perhaps a hundred or so prospects per month, advertising can reach thousands of potential buyers each and every month, week, or day.

Studies also show that advertising inspires confidence from your current clients. When current clients see your ad, it reinforces their belief in you.

It makes them feel like they made the right decision to be your client. But advertising can also waste money if you don’t use it properly.

Continue reading "How to Make Advertising Dividends Pay Off...Big Time"
Posted by Angie at 10:52 AM
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