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Can I snap out of it?

womanpondering16341449.jpgQuestion: I have been feeling down for a long time, I am starting to think that I will never snap out of it. My friends think I am just focusing on it too much, but I am worried it is something else. How can I know if I am just going through a phase or if it is something more serious, like depression?

Answer: Depression is a very real problem. Some people do not take it seriously, and think that they can just snap out of it, but the fact is, this is not always the case. In fact, it is all too frequent that people do not address it soon enough, and let it become far too serious.

Anyone can get depressed. You do not have to have a genetic marker for it, or have been exposed to something, it can, and does, happen to everyone. So, what are the symptoms? How can you know if you are depressed, or if it is something else? Consider the following signs and symptoms of depression:

Okay, before we start listing the symptoms of depression, it is critical you realize that not all people have depression the same way. In fact, the symptoms change from person to person, the most consistent thing is that the symptoms you do show, will last for a few weeks.

The first symptom is that many people feel like they have no energy and can't concentrate. Another symptom is that of feeling irritable all the time for no apparent reason. The next symptom is that you may feel "down" for more than two weeks, and the feelings are interfering with your daily life.

The problem is that most people with depression never seek help, even if they would probably respond well to treatment. So, do not try and snap out of it. Depression can harm your family, your work, and a lot more. It can cause the person who suffers from it to harm themselves or do something stupid. People who suffer from depression often do things that they would not expect someone who is in their right frame of mind to do. And, that is just the point, when you are depressed, you are not in your right frame of mind.

So, don't let your friends try and convince you that it is nothing, or that it is just a phase. If you have symptoms for more than a few weeks, it is time to talk to a doctor. They can help you learn to manage depression, find a medication that helps with it, or find you a therapist that can work with you to make things right.You may not feel better overnight, but it can help things work out better for you, and if it is a phase, at least you will know, instead of wondering if there is something you have been doing.

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