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Creating a culture of employee wellness

busfriends30396999-1.jpgIf you are a business owner, who wants to start an employee wellness program, it is important that the program, begin surrounded by a culture that supports it. Employee wellness programs have a better chance of succeeding long-term if they are an integral part of the company culture. This is known as environmental support. This type of support is crucial, for the employee wellness program. You must be able to provide your employees with a work environment that is positive and contributes to the idea of wellness.

There are many ways that you can do this. You can offer healthier choices in the workplace lunchroom, and the vending machines. You can make sure that your employees can work comfortably, within their workspace. This is important since many employees suffer from eye strain, back problems or other difficulties, from problems relating to their work space. An ergonomics expert can help employees make adjustments that will allow for more comfortable work spaces.

However, it is important to realize that a work environment that is positive, while helpful, won't be enough. It is necessary to have the support of others. You will need to promote a positive image of the program, to the employees and their families, who will be participating in the program. This is the most effective way to bring about permanent changes in behavior. It will be important to have people in the program who act as motivators and will encourage participation, by the other employees. Often times this can be done most effectively by someone who is in upper management.

It is also important that when you implement your employee wellness program, that it is easy for employees to use. If the program is too complicated to understand or participate in, employees will become frustrated, resentful and quickly drop out. You need to make sure that the program focuses on positive values. It can also be helpful to have components of the program that the employee can do on their own, or with friends and family. This is helpful because it is often much easier to make a change when you have personal support.

It has been shown that employee wellness programs can bring about positive change in employees lives. This is especially true when employees receive the support they need from their employer, co-workers and even family members. This can happen in a variety of ways. For example: Non-exercisers can be paired up with employees, who are physically active, and who can provide support, for motivation. Or those who are trying to lose weight can be paired up with a motivating partner to provide encouragement with weight loss.

Another way to promote a culture of wellness is by the formation of a Walking Club. Best of all this is a low-cost way to promote employee wellness. The premise is very simple-employees use their break, lunch or other time before or after work, to walk together. Generally this is done for 15-30 minutes.Setting a time and walking as a group is a great way to encourage all employees to participate. It can also be helpful to have a leader who will provide motivation and encouragement.

There are other ways to create a culture of wellness. These include:

  • Gain the support and the active participation of the upper management

  • Have scheduled times for informal meetings, where employees can provide encouragement and support, for fellow participants.

  • Regular, company sponsored health screenings

  • Invitations to employee's family members to join different components of the employee wellness program.

  • Offering incentives and reward, for those employees who participate long-term in the program

  • A company commitment to continue the employee wellness program on a consistent basis.

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