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Preventing depression

happyman19220291.jpgQuestion: I have been struggling with depression my whole life, and have gone off and on medication, therapy, etc. but the thing I want to know is what else I can do? I do not want to always be dependant on medication or someone else to keep me from being depressed. I want to know what is in my power to do to avoid being constantly depressed?

Answer: The answer is that there are some very good ways to help yourself avoid depression. While depression can happen to anyone, it is also possible for anyone to do the things required to help avoid it.

Depression is thought to be caused by hormonal imbalances in the brain, as well as some external factors. The better job you do at keeping your mind and body healthy, the better chance you have at avoiding episodes of depression. There are four things you should be doing on a regular basis to help yourself avoid depression:

1. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and caffeine. The stimulants in these products can cause dependence, and can lead to substance abuse problems, in addition, they can cause the hormone balance in your body to get off. Many people think that if they are feeling low, they should turn to alcohol, drugs, or other stimulants to give them a bit of a boost, a high, or drown out their sorrows, and let them forget them for a while. However, this tends to have the opposite affect. When you come off the high, you are that much lower. When you drown out your sorrows, they come back worse, and with a headache. When you turn to these things to help rid yourself of depression, you end up gaining a bad habit, a substance abuse problem, and a dependence that will not lead you to a happier life.
2. Exercise. If you want to be healthy in the mind, you have to be healthy in the body. They are connected, intertwined, and function together. If you find that you are getting depressed easily, ask yourself when the last time you got a good work out in was? A work out can help clear the mind, help bring the important matters to the focus, can keep your body feeling strong, working well, gives you a boost of energy, and in addition to all that, it can boost the feel good hormone endorphins, which gives you a natural, and not bad for you high. So, try to exercise thirty minutes a day, three to five times a week, more if you want, but not less.
3. Practice stress management. Stress can cause episodes of depression, especially for those who already suffer from it. It can make mild forms more intense, and lead to hopelessness. So, one of the best ways to prevent depression is to learn to manage your stress. Identify what it is that causes you stress, and what you can do about it. It may be that you are not managing your time well, which is leading to being behind on work, family responsibilities, or school. It may be that you have over-extended yourself financially, and need to learn to budget and spend within your means. Identify your stress, and create plans to manage it.
4. Get enough sleep. No one is happy when they are tired. If you are consistently not getting your 7-9 hours, then you need to change that. The proper amount of sleep keeps you healthy and happy.

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