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What can I do to get better?

yoga19198229.jpgI've recently been given the diagnosis of depression, and started taking anti-depressants. While I do feel better, I have read that treating depression, often works best with a multi-faceted approach. What does that mean and how can I do that?I really need to know what I can do to get better.

Most health-care professionals and researchers have to believe that long-term recovery, from depression ultimately requires addressing the underlying relationship causes of depression and not just simply symptoms such as chemical imbalance, and depressive thoughts. This is why a new focus has been placed on healing both the relationship environment, and the whole person. Many practitioners now believe that what is vital in preventing relapse. Working on different aspects of the entire person, coupled with an understanding of what depression really is, is known as a multi-faceted approach.Here are some important aspects of the multi-faceted approach-

  • Foster good relationships-Studies have clearly shown that relationships with partners, caregivers, teachers, co-workers, and a supportive social network, results in physical and emotional healing, happiness and life satisfaction, and prevent isolation and loneliness, which are major factors in depressive illness. Having a solid support system surrounding you is crucial in treating and recovering from depression. Isolation only deepens the depression. It is also important to learn how to create relationships, that are positive, uplifting and give you what you need. If you are involved in any sort of group (therapy, support, work etc) you should make sure that it is a safe, supportive and non-judgmental group environment.

  • Remember knowledge is power-It is important to understand the real causes of depression, so that you don't feel inadequate for not having been cured. Knowing what is causing your depression, can be helpful in controlling it.In addition, studies have shown that when those suffering from depression, understand that they have a real problem, they recover much faster.

  • Seek professional help-While there are many steps that you can take on your own, for dealing with your depression, having a good relationship with a therapist or physician is important.Many people need to see both their therapist for counseling, and their physician for any follow-up issues concerning medications or depression side effects. Having a positive relationship with these people will go a long way toward help you get better.

  • Incorporate techniques to boost your self-esteem and a sense of competence. You should focus on anything that is a boost to you and helps you feel about yourself. Hobbies, volunteering, outside interests, can all promote a feeling of well-being. Do not allow yourself to become socially isolated, as this only tends to make the depression worse.

  • Add exercise to your life-Studies have shown that moderate and even gentle exercise such as a brief walk, also help ease the chronic pain, that is often associated with depression, and enable people to learn more functional, ways to deal with their depression.Simply adding 30 minutes a day of exercise, can stimulate endorphins that help many people deal with depression.

  • Focus on the inner life-Many people suffering from depression find considerable relief in meditation, prayer and relaxation exercises, such as yoga.If you are unsure as to how to get started, there is a wealth of information online, in books, tapes, DVD's and even classes on meditation, and yoga at many gyms. Many people with depression find that a return to spiritual beliefs brings solace and a sense of purpose.

  • Spend time in nature and with pets-Studies have shown that being out in nature, can reduce stress, lower blood pressure and improve mood. The same indicators are for those who spend time with a pet. Many depression sufferers have found solace in using either one (or both) of these methods to help relieve, treat and ultimately heal from depression.

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