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Do I have depression?

manwithheadache19287712.jpgQuestion: Lately I have been really restless. I can't seem to feel content, it doesn't matter what I am doing, or whom I am with. I feel like there are a number of things missing in my life. What I don't know is what it is, or what I can do about it. Am I depressed?

Answer: Feeling restless and discontent are certainly signs of depression, but that does not mean you have depression. Depression is a serious problem, and can lead to a number of serious consequences including self-harm, negative affects on work and family, and simply not believing in yourself. So, how can you know if you are depressed or just going through a stage? Well it can be difficult.

Most experts say that if you are experiencing the symptoms of depression, or several of them anyway, for two weeks or longer, that you should speak with a doctor, as they can help you find medication or treatment for the problem.

So, what are the symptoms of depression? The following symptoms are the most commonly noted:

  • Severe agitation, restlessness, and irritability, often without a cause
  • Dramatic change in appetite. These changes may lead to weight gain or loss.
  • Difficulty concentrating, especially on things that should not be a problem, like work.
  • Fatigue and lack of energy, despite the amount of sleep you get.
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, and inappropriate guilt over things, including the past.
  • Inactivity and or the withdrawal from usual activities you enjoy. This may even mean a loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed including intimacy.
  • Dark, emotional thoughts, such as thoughts of death or suicide, thoughts of harming yourself, etc.
  • Either having trouble sleeping or excessive sleeping.

While this list is in no way exclusive, it does help cover most of the basic symptoms of depression. Generally they can be categorized as feelings that lead to anger, discouragement, hopelessness, and irritation. It can be severe, or mild, and it can be as simple as feeling like you are not good enough, and thus being hopeless, or have real psychological impact where you have extreme feelings of guilt, inadequacy, etc.

The important thing is that if you are suffering from the symptoms of depression that you seek out help. Most people who seek out help for depression can find some way of treating the problem, and thus get better, even if it is only marginally. Many, however, are in denial about it, or refuse to acknowledge that they could have a real medical problem, thus ignore it, and the treatments and therapy that could help them overcome it. If you think you might have depression, it could be worth looking into, so talk to a doctor, and if you do, get it treated with medication or therapy.

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