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Help yourself

manatcrossroads32184552.jpgQuestion: Depression runs in my family, and I am worried that if I am not careful I will have depression as well. I know that there are some serious consequences of depression, and I want to know what I can do on my own to help myself avoid depression, and live a healthy, normal, life?

Answer: Some people may be more prone to depression because of their genetics, but the first thing to clear up here is that just because someone in your family has suffered from depression doesn't mean you will, on that note, just because no one in your family has been depressed before, doesn't mean you aren't. Depression can happen to anyone, and so it is important to know what you can do on a daily basis to make sure you help yourself so that you do not find yourself in the thralls of depression and wonder how you got there.

If you are depressed already, it is important to get medical attention, therapy, and the advice of a licensed professional, however, you can do these things on your own as well to help speed up your recovery:

First, don't be in denial. If you want to help yourself avoid or recover from depression it is key to recognize the signs and symptoms of it. The earlier you get treatment for it, the lower the risks. Pretending you do not have a problem, or trying to snap out of it may cause the problem to get worse. If you have been depressed in the past, watch for the things that may have set you into a downward spiral before, and avoid them. If not, watch for negative thoughts, feelings of hopelessness, and the other signs of depression, and give yourself something to cling to.

Second, be easy on yourself. You are always your own worst enemy, and biggest critic. So, be realistic with your goals. When people get depressed, sometime's their responsibilities at work and at home will fly out the window, and this can lead to further depression because they feel inadequate or overwhelmed by the many things they ought to be doing. Just because you recognize you are depressed, doesn't mean you can snap right out of it, so work toward getting back to normal, do not expect it too quickly.

Third, if you are starting to feel down, and think it might be depression, force yourself to do things you enjoy, even if they do not sound fun in the moment. If in the past you have always loved to bike, then get on it. The point is, when you are depressed you do not feel like doing anything, so make yourself see friends, stay social, have fun, etc.

Exercise comes next. It can really help with mild depression, and can give you a feeling of self worth. It helps you look and feel better, and can increase endorphins and help you find happiness.

Lastly, be sure to avoid alcohol.Alcohol can make depression worse, many people think they can use it to drown their sorrows, but instead wake up with the sorrows and a headache, and eventually a substance abuse problem to top it all off. In addition, if you are on medication, it could react negatively with antidepressants.

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