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How to exercise at work

We all know how important exercise is for living healthy life. However, after commuting to work, working all day, and making the same long commute home, exercising is most often the last thing you want to do. This can leave anyone who lives even a moderately stressful life at risk for a number of different health problems. While there is no perfect substitute for getting into the gym and working out, there are things that you can do while you are work, to help incorporate more physical activity into your life. While these techniques may seem small they can have a big impact on your overall health, if you do them consistently. Here is what you need to know about how to exercise at work-

  • Don't sit too much-The reality is that most Americans work at jobs that have them sitting, for long periods of time. If you can break up these periods of time by just getting up, you can receive some significant health benefits. Being sedentary puts you at risk for high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke and a host of other problems. It puts to much pressure on your spine and can lead to serious circulatory problems. To help prevent this make sure that you are getting up and moving around at least a few minutes every hour. Even standing at your desk, for a few minutes can help to induce calorie burn and improve your circulation.
  • Park further away from work-The fight for the closest parking space, has reached epic proportions in many parking garages. However, the true winners may just be the people who are parking the furthest away from work. While it takes some planning, to make sure that you have a little extra time, those few minutes that you spend walking into work can pay off in big health benefits. Best of all, you can arrive at work without the stress of trying to find the closest parking spot.
  • Take the stairs-If you work in an office that has stairs, then you already have a built in fitness center. One of the best and cheapest ways to work out is to walk the stairs. You can simply stash a pair of workout shoes in your desk. When lunch time rolls around, just slip them on and begin your walk. While walking outside is always good, the stairs provide the major benefit of being weather proof. There is no need to worry about scorching sun or freezing temperatures, you can walk the stairs in any weather. In addition, make sure that you forgo the elevator; even a few minutes on the stairs delivering some copies can help yield some good cardio results.
  • Trade your chair in for a stability ball-A stability ball can help you to workout throughout the day. You can use the ball to help work core, abs and even improve balance. Many employers are realizing the benefits of using this piece of equipment and offering them to their employees for free. Another benefit of using a stability ball is that it reminds you to stay active throughout your work day. This may truly be the ultimate multi-tasking as you complete your work and get a better body, all at the same time.
  • Aim to work your arms-While you may not be able to pump iron at work, you can still tone and stretch your arms. You can simply keep a pair of dumbbells and or a resistance band in your desk drawer. At your next break take them and begin working your arms. Research has shown that even 10 minutes of light weight lifting and other toning exercises a day can help you develop significant muscle strength.
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