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How to get enough vitamin C

Not many of us work hard to get adequate amounts of Vitamin C into our diets. If you aren't drinking orange juice daily or you aren't eating foods that have Vitamin C, you can dramatically increase your risk of colds and other problems. Vitamin C is needed to grow and maintain the cells and tissues in the body, allowing it to function properly.Plenty of Vitamin C actually helps your bones to stay healthier and it also improves the enamel of your teeth and overall oral health.

To find out how much Vitamin C you should be getting, ask your doctor for information. Here is a general guideline for adults:

  • Males over the age of 19 need 90mg per day

  • Females over the age of 19 need 75 mg per day

Vitamin C is so beneficial in helping to fight off infections that many doctors prescribe it for cold and flu season to their patients. There have also been patients of cancer that actually see improvements with treatment if they increase their intake of Vitamin C. However you need to find the right balance because too much Vitamin C in your diet can cause diarrhea and also other concerns with your body.

Where can you get Vitamin C and include it in your diet without needing to take supplements? Vitamin C is found in a number of foods from oranges and orange juice to strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, and peppers. It's one of the best things to include in your diet to be sure you are doing all that you can to strengthen your immune system.

How do you know if you aren't getting enough Vitamin C in your diet? There are a lot of tell-tell signs including the following:

  • Dry hair

  • Dry skin

  • Inflamed or bleeding gums

  • Anemia

  • Weak tooth enamel

  • Nosebleeds

  • Slow-healing wounds

Watch your diet. Since many of the foods we eat are processed, they tend to include high amounts of fat. This is not good for your body and it won't include essential vitamins and minerals that we need in order to have a healthy body. Try eating some papaya each day in order to get plenty of Vitamin C in your diet. Avocadoes also includes Vitamin C and other essential vitamins that will all be able to make your immune system strong and healthy.

Unlike calcium and other vitamins and minerals, Vitamin C is one that isn't stored in the body. It is used and then the excess amount is washed out of the body.Since the body needs at least 60mg, the RDA is now considering increase the intake amount to ensure people are getting plenty of Vitamin C. Scurvy is the most common disease that will occur if you aren't getting plenty of Vitamin C in your diet, which is why it's so essential to take a Vitamin if you do not consume foods with Vitamin C.

If you don't like to eat oranges and other citrus fruits, you can easily get Vitamin C through some other common foods including the following:

  • 1 Cup of broccoli each day

  • Tomatoes

  • Mangos

  • Jicama

  • Kohlrabi

  • Kiwi

Several multivitamins have Vitamin C in them but they do not have enough to justify skipping the foods that include Vitamin C. The daily multivitamins usually have about 35% of what you need each day in order to provide enough Vitamin C to saturate the bloodstream.If you do take a multivitamin, you should still consider drinking at least 1 cup of orange juice each day. It's a wise idea to drink orange juice that also includes Calcium to ensure you are getting plenty of Calcium in your diet as well.

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