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Keeping your spine healthy at work

yoga30358274.jpgMillions of employees have desk jobs where they need to sit for extended periods of time. If you have employees that are sitting for hours on end it is a good idea to do some simple things too that will prevent them from develop back and neck pain. Spine health is something that a lot of people do not pay much attention to until they start dealing with a lot of back pain.

Proper office ergonomics is simple and it's important to help reduce back pain and to also improve employee productivity. With the right office ergonomics the employee will have a nice view of the monitor and their arms won't hang, pulling on their neck and shoulder muscles. They will also be sitting at the proper range to read the screen without straining. The computer screen will be at the right lighting level to avoid eye strain and other concerns.

If you are unhappy with the chair you have, ask your employer for a new one. They may be able to get you a chair that will aid in proper alignment of the spine and office ergonomics. You also need to re-arrange your office in a manner where you aren't dealing overhead glare, bright sunlight on the computer screen, or an office lamp that makes it hard to read your computer screen. It is also important to ensure you are getting plenty of air flow in the office to help reduce the amount of pathogens that can cause allergies and sneezing to occur.

As your employees sit in front of the computer screen for hours and do a variety of repetitive tasks and other things, it is quite common to have their bodies stuck into a single position where a muscle may spasm or it can lead to other muscular discomforts and other things. What this often leads to is wear and tear on the muscle, causing a knot to occur. This causes headaches along with fatigue and other problems. Employers will suffer as the employee needs to take time off to rest the muscles and help them to recover along with meeting with doctors and others if the problem continues to get worse.

An employee that sits in front of the computer screen for hours will experience neck and back pain as they are holding their head in the same position for hours. It will also lead to eye strain as they aren't taking breaks to give their body time to get away from the same position and brightness of the screen. So what can you do to help with proper balance and office ergonomics? Here are some tips you need to consider:
1. Have each workstation correctly positioned to the employee working there. This will include ergonomic chairs that can be adjusted for their height and placed in a position where they won't need to move the head up and down to read the screen.
2. Each workstation needs to be large enough for the employees to move around and to use their desk and mouse without bumping into other things. Try to limit the amount of clutter that the employees are dealing with in order to aid in the right type of ergonomics.
3. Encourage your employees to take short breaks when they need to work on the computer for several hours at a time. Breaks allow them to get up and move around, which aids in proper blood circulation. This can also help the muscles to relax if they are in the same position for many hours. It may be a good idea to give them exercise balls so they can roll their backs on them and stretch out the muscles.

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