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Ways to decrease facial wrinkles

lipstick63304457.jpgOne of the biggest concerns that most women, (and some men), have is how to decrease facial wrinkles.While there are numerous ways that are available to try and do this, ranging from the mild (facial exercises), to the extreme (a complete surgical face lift), there are also some common sense measures you can do to decrease facial wrinkles. So before you put out big bucks for the latest wrinkle cure, or even considering going under the knife here is what you need to know about ways to decrease facial wrinkles-

  • Stay out of the sun-You need to limit the time you are exposing your face, to the sun, or at the very least be sure and protect your skin when you do. You should not assume that just because you are on your way to the office or that you have dark skin that you do not need to worry.Women who are currently in their 30's and 40's (the generation most worried about facial wrinkles) also are the same teenagers who baked in the sun with little or no sunscreen.However, experts agree that it is never too late to begin.Make facial sunscreen a regular part of your skin care routine.Invest in hats, scarves, visors and even sunglasses to help protect your face as well.Best of all just get out of the sun at least during the peak sunshine hours (typically 11am-3pm).Your skin will thank you!
  • Make a plan to quit today-Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your face.Experts state that it only takes 10 years of smoking to create irreversible skin damage by smoking. The bottom line is that not only will the carcinogens wreak havoc on your insides; they will eventually do quite a number on your face.Study after study has shown that smokers have a significantly higher number of facial wrinkles then non-smokers. One of the reasons for this is that smoking constricts blood vessels (whose job is to nourish your skin) and if the good stuff can not get through, that's a problem. Heavy smokers also stand a very good chance of getting smoker's pucker which is a lovely ring of lines around your mouth. The bottom line-if you smoke, quit today, if you don't smoke, don't start! Both your body and your skin will thank you!
  • Clean up your diet-It has been shown that what you put into your body will eventually show up on your face.Those people who nourish themselves on food low in nutrients (chronic junk food users), drink alcohol heavily, and make poor nutritional choices overall, are much more likely to have facial wrinkles.Focus on making sure that you are getting enough nutrients for healthy skin, by staying away from junk food, drinking lots of water, and limiting your alcohol intake. If you are concerned about the nutritional content of your diet check with your health care professional about taking a multi-vitamin.
  • Consider the environmental factors in your life-The reality is that if you live in a highly polluted area, have a high stress job and/or lots of demands on your life you are much more likely to have facial wrinkles.Pollution can do a number on your face.Car exhaust, smog, and other factors, can cause your skin to wrinkle and prematurely age.Stress from any source can cause you to pucker your skin and stress hormones can play a part in wrinkling and aging.While you may not be able to move out of the big city, and live a peaceful existence among the wildflowers, there are steps you can take to reduce your exposure to environment factors.Limit what your skin is exposed to; take a yoga class, and/or take time out for yourself, all of these ideas can play a role in helping keep your skin younger looking and wrinkle free.
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