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Why breakfast really is the most important meal of the day

breakfast32012441.jpgYour mother may have told you that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day", and it turns out she's right!Recently, research has shown that the key to effective, long term weight loss is not in how little you eat, but in what, and when you eat. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day for weight management, because earlier in the day is when food energy is most efficiently used by the body. Studies have proven that skipping breakfast leads to an unhealthy metabolism, and eventual weight gain. There are several reasons for this.

  • Skipping breakfast slows your metabolism-This is because during sleep, the metabolism slows, and blood glucose levels become low, which are the reasons for a lack of energy in the morning. The body uses glucose to fuel the body and brain. When breakfast is skipped and there are no calories available from food, the body then responds by lowering the metabolism to conserve energy, which results in less calories being burned.
  • Skipping breakfast stresses your body-The bottom line is that missing breakfast also puts the body into a stressed state. Your body then responds by increasing cortisol production, to counteract stress which has the added side effect of increased fat storage attached to it.
  • Skipping breakfast increases hunger-Worse yet, this combination of low glucose, and high cortisol lead to irresistible cravings, and hunger pangs later in the day.
  • We need a healthy breakfast in order to supply the energy requirements for fat burning, and all physical and mental activities during the day. These nutrients include enzymes that are necessary for fat breakdown, and weight loss.
Many people feel overwhelmed by trying to fit one more thing into their morning routine.Experts advise that if you are finding you have no time for breakfast, setting your alarm twenty minutes earlier in the morning will solve the problem. Do not fall into the "pseudo-breakfast trap".An example of this is that: many people who skip breakfast end up consuming excessive amounts of caffeine, as an alternative energy source. Unfortunately, consuming excessive amounts of caffeine makes the body even more susceptible to weight gain.

Diet and nutritional researchers have also come to understand that eating breakfast is essential for weight loss. A healthy breakfast energizes the metabolism, and gives you fat burning energy that is essential for weight loss. Breakfast also gives you a sense of fullness, which will help eliminate unhealthy food cravings, and the desire to binge later in the day. Research has conclusively shown that by adding breakfast, you will consume an average of one hundred less calories daily, which alone will result in a fat loss of ten pounds per year. There are other benefits that come from eating a healthy breakfast that include:an increased alertness, mental sharpness, and a greater ability to focus throughout the day. In addition, an efficient digestive system is the key to effective weight loss. A nutritious breakfast will help cleanse the digestive tract, enabling the body to eliminate weight that is producing bad fats and toxins from the body.

Nutritionists recommend that the best breakfast will include:whole grains (such as oats or barley), which are high in fiber and B vitamins to sustain energy, fresh fruit, and vegetables for valuable vitamins, enzymes, fiber and antioxidants. Whole foods such as these have a healthier effect on blood sugar levels, rather than foods that contain white flour such as bagels, bread, and many boxed cereals, which cause rapid blood sugar changes leading to weight gain. These foods contain simple sugars, and carbohydrates, which will quickly increase energy levels, but will not last long. Eating whole foods containing complex carbohydrates release energy more slowly, resulting in a gradual energy increase that will last throughout the day.

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