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Tips On How To Improve Employee Wellness

What are some ways in which you can focus your efforts on employee wellness? There is a growing health crisis concern in America and most of it is related to the unhealthy lifestyle habits that many of us participate in. Employers are feeling the sting of the unhealthy habits as they often need to front the bill for large costs related to employees that use health insurance. When you have a number of high risk employees that are working for you, it can increase the healthcare costs for your company as well as costing you money in lost productivity as well. You need to focus on promoting health and wellness within your company in order to get people to start saving money on health insurance but overall improving their lives for themselves. If you would like to jump start your employee wellness program, you will need some help in getting started. Here are some tips that will give you some ideas on where to get started with an effective wellness program.

Tip # 1 - Host an awareness day
One way in which you can work on employee wellness is by hosting an awareness day. You will address all the various health concerns that are plaguing your company. It is a time where you want to talk about the consequences of unhealthy things like smoking, lack of exercise, and improper eating. Addressing all the various issues at an awareness day is a great way to finally show the employees why they must start focusing their efforts on their health. Plus it is a great way to work with your insurance company in getting approval for some free health screenings or vaccinations.

Tip # 2 - Goodbye vending machines
If you want to help your employees give up the bad habits that they are dealing with, you may want to consider getting rid of the vending machine foods that they turn to when they want snacks. The vending machines should be full of foods that are healthy and offer long-lasting stamina and energy. Offering fresh fruit and water in place of soda and candy will make a big difference in stamina. Plus it helps to keep your employees on track as they are focused on weight loss and healthier eating habits.

Tip # 3 - Encourage activity
While you may not be able to invest money into an on-site exercise facility and you likely will not be able to provide your staff members with gym memberships, you can focus on encouraging your employees to get active and healthy. Some simple things you can do include offering exercise tips in the company newsletters. How about providing them with extra time that they can use to go outside and take a nice walk? Let your employees see you participating in active lifestyle habits as well since this will really set the tone for them. People need to have an example when it comes to leading an active and healthy lifestyle. Host company parties that are centered around some type of fun activity. This is a great way to really focus your efforts on creating a company that encourages people to start getting active and healthy.A great way to encourage people to exercise is to create teams within the company and to offer them one heck of an incentive to work toward. When you have a team of individuals that wants a big prize, it will encourage people to finally participate in the wellness program and to really focus their efforts on weight loss or just getting in shape in general.

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