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Tips To Help You Implement A Good Wellness Program

Do you have plans to create a wellness program for your organization? What are some of the things that need to go into a good wellness program? There are certain elements that will make a wellness program successful and if you are not focused on adding these elements to your program you may encounter a lot of resistance from the employees and you may struggle getting them involved.

Analyze your staff and find out what type of elements need to be focused on with your program. There are certain risk factors in every company and it is a good idea to look at what is causing your staff to have issues with their health. Obesity and smoking are two of the biggest problems that need to be addressed in a good wellness program. One other way to find out what issues you should address is by asking your staff directly. Surveys will help you to understand your employee's health needs and what you can do in order to create a wellness program that is going to work effectively for them.

Select a good committee to help you create a good wellness program. The committee will be in charge of collecting the data but they also are critical to carrying out the program and making sure that your employees are participating in it. They need to set goals for your staff and help your employees to achieve these goals. When employee participation starts to drop off it is up to the committee to work on getting your staff to participate in it again. The committee needs to go through the program and look at the things that your employees deem valuable and important in the wellness program and what things they would like to see become part of the wellness program.

The introduction and follow through of the program is also important. You need to ensure that you implement it correctly and talk to your employees about it correctly or they will be confused as to how the wellness program works and why they need to get involved. Improving the health of the employees is critical to you but it's not on the top of your employee's priority list. They want an incentive for the wellness program. Use emails and other things to educate your employees and to continue motivating them about the wellness program. Some companies will place signs of the wellness program goals in the bathroom and break room as these are areas that are frequented by their employees. Consider sending out an email that talks about wellness and introduces wellness activities to your employees. You might send out a new recipe to them every day or you can consider an email with new workouts that they can try at work.

In your weekly meetings you need to bring some information about the success of your wellness program. Showing your employees the areas where the program is actually working may help to motivate your staff to continue participating. You also need to work on reminding your employees of the incentives that are up for grabs. When people can see that they could win a 60 inch TV, they may have a little more motivation to start participating in the program.Here are some incentives that you may try offering in order to get your employees motivated to participate in the program:
- Extra time off
- Gym membership
- TV or iPod
- iPad or Kindle
- Flexible work schedules
The incentives you provide to your employees need to really motivate your employees. If you are not offering good incentives your staff won't see the point of participating in the program and they will not be too motivated to participate.

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