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Do Workplace Weight-Loss Programs Work?

Many employers are looking for ways to create healthier workforces. One way to do this is to focus on employee health issues. Smoking cessation programs have been around for awhile but it is the wellness programs that focus on weight loss that are really catching the attention of many businesses. Trimming down your employees and getting them into a healthy weight category can increase productivity. Employees that are in shape are less likely to deal with serious health issues, which prevents them from needing to visit the doctor as frequently. You will be able to reduce absenteeism when you have people that are healthy. So how can you encourage your employees to participate in a workplace wellness program? It is not going to be an easy task so we have some tips that can help you get started.

Tip # 1 - Ask for their opinion
One of the first things that you need to do is to sitdown with your employees and ask for their opinion on a wellness program. You need to find out what they like and don't like about the program and if they feel that weight loss should be part of it. Some of them may be excited, others may be hesitant to it. One way to help them become encouraged is by partnering up with a company like Weight Watchers to help employees learn how to lose weight and to really manage their health. Getting their direct opinion is one of the best ways to create a successful wellness program.

Tip # 2 - Exercise
A diet alone is not enough, you need to exercise with it. You must focus your efforts on creating an on-site gym for the employees to be able to use in order to get in shape. If you cannot pay for an on-site gym it is a smart idea to at least consider offering gym memberships or discounts on gym memberships to your staff. A lot of companies will bring in personal trainers to help them introduce the program and to help the employees become encouraged about weight loss.

Tip # 3 - Healthier Foods
Employers could be part of the obesity epidemic if you are not providing healthy snacks to your staff. When you treat them to lunches, do you bring in healthy food selections like salads and fruits? You need to make a conscious effort to provide your staff with healthier snacking and lunch foods so they can avoid eating foods that are not going to improve their health. The healthier snacks also sustain energy for longer periods of time, which can give you another great reason to rid the vending machines of the bad snacks.

Tip # 4 - Incentives
A workplaces wellness program that is focused on weight loss can work if you have some type of incentive program in place. People are always motivated when they are given some type of reward. If you offer them cash, time off, or another big incentive, it can easily encourage them to participate in the weight loss program.

Tip # 5 - Competition
A great way to get your staff members to lose weight is by putting them into teams and making it into a friendly competition. Studies do show that people are able to work out when they have a workout partner or an individual that is going to support and help them. Placing a bunch of your employees into teams and then offering rewards to the team that is able to lose the most combined weight can really motivate them and inspire them to participate and lose the extra weight they are carrying around.

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