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Tips To Help Eliminate Workplace Stress

Workplace stress is creating a lot of issues for companies. From lost production to employee retention issues, there are many problems that can be attributed to workplace stress. How can companies reduce unnecessary workplace stress in order to boost productivity and to help improve employee retention? This article will help you understand what you can do in order to have happier employees.

While employers may be unable to help their employees exercise, they can certainly encourage it with including discounts on gym memberships along with adding in exercise time during the workday. Encouraging your employees to get in shape is one of the best things you can do. When you are in good health your body is able to handle stress better and your staff members will not feel as overwhelmed with their jobs.

So where are the areas that are leading to high amounts of stress in your workplace? Here are some of the common things that you need to consider in order to eliminate workplace stress:
1. Lighting - what you may not realize is that the lighting in the office can have a big impact on the stress level of your employees. Lighting that is too dark or too bright can lead to issues. The goal is to find the right type of balance in your office to reduce stress. One of the best things you can do is to open up the windows and to bring in some fresh sunlight as it will be able to give you some increased productivity because it does make you feel better and will improve the stress load of your staff. Not only do you have to consider the lighting but the color of the walls as well. Harsh colors can increase stress. Look for lighter tones for the walls to make the office feel warm and inviting and not stressful. Having too much white in the office can also cause an increase in your employees stress levels.
2. Overwhelmed Workloads - there are many employees that may be feeling overwhelmed by the workloads that you have placed on them. Sit down with each employee and talk about their workload in order to find out if they are dealing with too much work. If they feel like there are too many things on their plate, it is time to talk to them about reducing their workload and shifting it to employees that may not have enough to do or to bring in some new employees that can help to reduce the burden on your staff members.
3. Not enough break time - while most companies stick to the letter of the law to offer 2, 15-minute breaks at least 2 times a day, not all employees are diligent in actually taking the breaks. It is important that you are making sure your staff members are taking breaks in the day to recharge their batteries! Encourage them to go outside for a walk and enjoy the fresh air and sunlight.
4. Healthier eating - a great way to help your employees energy levels is by encouraging them to start eating healthier. Remove the junk foods from your vending machines and provide them with healthier snack options. They provide longer-lasting energy and will help your staff members to feel better.
5. Reduce loud noises - you may not realize how noise can impact your employees stress level. You should look into loud noises and talk to your employees that are listening to loud music as it can impact their co-workers. If you have loud machinery, consider installing doors in between rooms to try and limit the rest of the staff from the exposure to these loud noises.

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