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What Can You Do To Boost Employee Productivity?

To boost employee productivity one of the best things you can do is to focus on employee health. Having healthy employees working for you will increase job satisfaction, boost morale, and increase productivity. Your staff members will have more energy and clarity when it comes to their jobs because of their health. So what are some of the things that you can do in order to improve employee productivity? Here are some great tips that can help:

- Exercise Time. One of the best ways to focus on employee health is by giving your employees time to exercise. It is a good idea to have them spend time each day walking or practicing yoga and doing something to help encourage your employees to spend time working out. Exercise is one of the most important things you can have in your life as it will provide you with more energy but it gives you a release of endorphins, which help to improve people's moods. Giving your employees 30 minutes of free time to spend exercising is a great benefit that your staff will be able to appreciate. If you are unable to provide exercise time to your staff it is a good idea to consider giving them gym passes or providing an on-site exercise facility for your employees.
- Break Time. There are some organizations that are offering 15-20 minutes of free time for their employees to use for naps. Having a nap in the day is one of the best ways to improve your cognitive functioning. When people are tired they are not able to keep up with productivity for the company and there have been studies done on tired employees costing companies about $150 billion a year in lost productivity costs. Giving your employees time to rest in the middle of the day is a great way to help them recharge their minds and get back in focus when it comes to working hard.
- Sick leave. One way to focus on helping your employees strengthen their health and to boost productivity is by giving them sick leave. When employees are ill, they need to go home. They have to get their health back instead of coming into the office sick and getting their co-workers sick. Having a sick employee will cause you to have a number of issues as they are not able to work to their full capacity and they likely will end up having their co-workers pick up some of their slack. If they do leave to go home and get better, your other employees have to step up and take over or you may even need to call in some temporary employees. Either way your productivity will be hurt and all of your other employees are likely to get sick. One other option you want to give your employees is the ability to allow them to work from home. This way you can still get some productivity out of your staff if they do have a long-term illness that makes it harder for them to get to work each day.

As a manager you need to be a leader to your staff and show them how to be active and healthy. If you are encouraging the right type of eating and exercise habits in the workplace, your employees will take notice. It is a great way to boost morale and to encourage everyone to get in shape. You will see a boost in employee productivity if you do take the time to focus on employee health and work on reducing your health insurance premiums.

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