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How To Recognize Job Burn Out

Managers need to watch the behavior of their employees and to see the productivity of them. If you notice that productivity is starting to drop, you need to get to the bottom of the issues at hand. You might see that you have employees that are becoming burnout. Employee burnout often happens when people are overwhelmed. You may have too many job duties placed on them or you could end up dealing with employee that have burnout due to not having enough support in the workplace. Irritation with the job can lead to burn out, which can easily reduce productivity for the company. Here are some of the signs that indicate your employees are dealing with burnout:

- Lack of motivation. When you have employees that are no longer excited about their jobs or wanting to perform to the best of their abilities, it indicates that you have employees that may be dealing with burnout. You need to watch them to see if they still care about their work or if it no longer seems to matter to them.
- Showing up to work late. When people arrive late, it shows that they do not care anymore and it's a big indicator that you have employees that are dealing with stress. You need to watch their behaviors and to see if they are constantly arriving to work late, leaving early, taking extra breaks, and other things.
- Stress. You also need to watch the stress loads of your employees. Do they seem overwhelmed? A little bit of stress is a good thing but when a person has too much stress it can overwhelm them and make it hard for them to accomplish their job duties. You need to balance their workloads so that they have just enough stress to motivate them and not too much to overwhelm them. Watch the deadlines you give them and find out if the turnaround time you are offering is too short. You may want to bring the employee in and talk to them about adjusting their workload or time frame to do it. They may want a little more help, which means you need to delegate out some of the work that the employee is trying to accomplish.
- Behavioral changes. When people are suffering from burnout they often become short-tempered and they are no longer enjoyable for other people to be around. You have to keep an eye on the behaviors of your employees and to notice if they do start becoming irritable or if they are no longer happy in their job.
- Lack of energy. An employee that is dealing with burnout might seem lazy or they may seem tired all the time. They no longer have energy to do their job, which is where you need to step in and talk to them. It may be a smart idea to encourage them to take a day off and refocus. Sometimes going away for a vacation can help people to recharge their energy and can help them to gain more enthusiasm for their job.
- Job searching. When people are burned out you will notice that they start looking for a new job. Maybe they will look within the company to try and find a different department or a job that challenges them. They might look outside the company for a new employer altogether. You may hear about it through the grapevine so call them into your office and find out what is really happening. You need to stay on top of the issues at hand so they don't become a burden to the rest of your staff and cause a decrease in employee morale.

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