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How to communicate your employee wellness program

If you are setting up an employee wellness program in your business it is essential to its success that you figure out how you will communicate it to your employees. The bottom line is that it won't matter how good your employee wellness program is if your employees don't know what it offers and where it find it. You want to be sure that you choose methods of communication that not only clearly outline what the employee wellness program has but you also need to focus on communication that reaches your employees. For example-If no one ever reads the company bulletin board then placing your employee wellness program communication there is a bad idea. Here is what you need to know about how to communicate your employee wellness program-

- It all starts with the Health Promotion team-The team that puts together your employee wellness program should also be tasked with finding the right ways to communicate about the program with your employees. Your Health Promotion team should design information that can reach your employees where they are, design it so that they can read the information at their leisure and be allowed to consider it. It can be helpful for the Health Promotion team to consult with the marketing department on the best way to communicate the information about the employee wellness program.
- The communication needs to be constant-One of the biggest problems in communicating information about an employee wellness program is that it often receives a big push and then it is set aside. This often leaves employees wondering if the employee wellness program is even still going on. The Health Promotions team will need to determine a long term plan that will send out the communication that they need to happen. There should an almost constant flow of communication that will let the employees know what is happening and where it is happening. Every employee in the business should be able to access the communication through the use of email, posters, flyers, voice mails, newsletters and even bulletin boards. Remember that the type of communication method that is used should be appropriate for what will reach the employees in the most effective manner.
- The communication needs to be clear and concise-Just like everything else about the employee wellness program the communication that is sent out about it should be clear and concise about what is being offered and how to access it. If your employees don't even understand that communication that you send out there is little chance that they will even try and access the employee wellness program. The Health Promotion team needs to focus on using language that is positive, informative, and easy to understand in order to generate the best response rate from the employees.
- The communication that you offer about the employee wellness program has to be creative and interest grabbing-Keep in mind that your employees have a lot of information that is given to them on any particular work day. Your Health Promotion team will need to make sure that any information that they send out is creative and grabs and keep the interest of your employees. Plain and boring text will not be enough to get your employees involved. Whether you use a newsletter (either printed or email), bulletin boards, posters, group meetings, or some other type of communication it will need to be creative and fresh. This is the best way to insure that not only will you get the interest of your employees about the employee wellness program but it will encourage them to become actively involved in it.

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